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The potential impact of UPOV 1991 on the Malaysian seed sector, farmers, and their practices

05 July 2023

by APBREBES and Third World Network

The report introduces Malaysia’s unique and functional system protecting intellectual property on plant varieties and recognizing farmers’ innovations. Based on surveys and interviews, the author analyses the situation on the ground and the potential implications of the application of the UPOV 1991 convention. He concludes that “UPOV 1991 is not suitable for Malaysia. It will take away the flexibility every country needs to adapt the PVP system to its national needs and circumstances."

APBREBES and the Third World Network are proud to announce the publication of the report: The Potential Impact of UPOV 1991 on the Malaysian Seed Sector, Farmers and Their Practices written by NurFitri Amir Muhammad (researcher for Third World Network).

The report introduces Malaysia’s unique and functional system protecting intellectual property on plant varieties and recognizing farmers’ innovations. The system also safeguards exceptions for farmers’ rights to save, use, exchange, and sell seeds. Based on surveys and interviews, the author analyses the situation on the ground and the potential implications of the application of the UPOV 1991 convention, particularly its restrictions on rice paddy and other farmers.

He concludes that “UPOV 1991 is not suitable for Malaysia. It will take away the flexibility every country needs to adapt the PVP system to its national needs and circumstances." The “report sounds a clarion call to resist pressures for Malaysia to join UPOV 91”.


Report: The Potential Impact of UPOV 1991 on the Malaysian Seed Sector, Farmers, and Their Practices



More news from: APBREBES - Association for Plant Breeding for the Benefit of Society*

Published: July 4, 2023

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