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#WorldSeed2022: Speech of Julián Arnedo, Chair of the Spanish National Organizing Committee of the ISF World Seed Congress 2022

May 24, 2022

Mr Arnedo delivering his speech at #WorldSeed2022.


Dear Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, damas y caballeros.

Hola! Good morning.

On behalf of the Spanish National Organizing Committee, I am very pleased and honoured to welcome all of you to the ISF World Seed Congress 2022 in the wonderful city of Barcelona.

Finally, we see each other’s faces!

This is going to be an exceptional congress for several reasons. First of all, because of the terrible circumstances that the world has gone through during the last two years because of the pandemic caused by COVID-19. However, let me take this opportunity to make a call to optimism. We are confident that after all this troubles (COVID, drought, rains, war) we will all be fortified. Good entrepreneurs are forged in adversity.

Let me also tell you that this year congress is very special for all of us, because it is the first after this unprecedented crisis, which has highlighted the importance of agriculture and the food supply chain. It’s a unique opportunity to show the world who we are and why we are important. To demonstrate, in short, that the seed industry plays a fundamental role as the basis of that food supply chain, and that we are a mature and professional sector, capable of responding to the challenges that the future poses to us.



Our sector hasn’t stopped its activity during the worst moments of the pandemic, because we are indispensable and necessary for the entire world and we all have fulfilled our commitment to society when it needed us most.

Not only the pandemic has paralyzed the entire world, we are suffering the collateral damages of the invasion of Ukraine, our neighbors, border with the European Union. The lack of sunflower oil, cereals and basic products for which Ukraine is the European Union first supplier has made us rethink about the fragility of the world as we nowadays know it. In Spain, for example, it has been necessary to redirect the sunflower seeds destined to Ukraine to sow the fallow lands across all the Spanish geography to avoid the lack of sunflower oil next season. But as said, it is just an example of the battles we face, with the ultimate purpose of feeding humanity.

In Spain, for example, it has been necessary to redirect the sunflower seeds destined to Ukraine to sow the fallow lands across all the Spanish geography to avoid the lack of sunflower oil next season. But as said, it is just an example of the battles we face, with the ultimate purpose of feeding humanity.

Other challenges that are hindering our sector are the drought, the lack of water is causing a significant increase in production costs, due to the necessary investment required to bring water to our fields, and the climate change with the rising temperatures which is going to desertify part of the currently arable surface of our planet.

This congress is very important for our country, because agriculture is a strategic sector for the economy, society and territory cohesion in Spain. We are the world’s leading exporter of fresh products (fruits and vegetables) and the first producer in the European Union, we are the Europe’s field. Beyond that, Spain presents ideal conditions, because of both, its geographical situation and agricultural and climate diversity, to become a world lead in seed and plant breeding and production.

In an increasingly globalized world like the one we find ourselves in, the large number of exchanges that take place between different territories means that not only viruses like Covid-19 spread rapidly throughout the world, but also viruses and other diseases that affect seeds and crops are also problems worldwide. Therefore, if we combine phytosanitary controls at origin and destination with the lack of freight supply, the consequence is that globalization slows down.

The research and development of new resistant varieties and the phytosanitary control to import/export are the only mechanism we have to stop the advance of diseases. Which highlights the need of investment in Research and Development, and let me give Spain as an example, a good prove of that is that there are more than fifty breeding stations located in our country, which constitutes one of the major plant research poles in the world, particularly for fruits and vegetables.

There have been lots of changes in the last two years, that have affected not only humanity, but also agriculture and specially to globalization. The World is not changing, it has already changed.

And, last but not least, this year congress is exceptional because of the venue. Our country, and specially Barcelona, do not need introduction as they are worldwide recognized for its incredible cultural heritage, the beauty of its monuments and for the exceptional quality of its food and wines. In Barcelona, you are going to find a cosmopolitan and modern city, famous all over the world for its art and monuments, and with the most beautiful surroundings, from the marvelous Mediterranean Sea to the splendid mountains of Pyrenees, plenty of picturesque villages along the road. All seasoned with the best cuisine and wines you could enjoy, and with the open and warm character of our people.

You all are welcome to Barcelona, to celebrate all together one of the best congresses in ISF history. You will not be disappointed in any sense, because in Spain, we all want to sow a vibrant future.

Welcome to Barcelona!!


More news from: ISF - International Seed Federation*

Website: http://www.worldseed.org

Published: May 27, 2022

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