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September 5, 2024

Découverte d’un gène d’immunité face à une maladie ravageant les cultures de riz et de blé

Phenomics – the link between crop genetics and performance

American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) promotes safe handling and storage of treated seed during harvest

September 4, 2024

Climate-smart agriculture can help California farmers

September 3, 2024

Tips voor grasland in het najaar

Italy - Sensors on tomato plants to reduce water consumption (Tomato News)

How are sensors revolutionizing tomato farming practices? (Tomato News)

Gewinn durch mehrjährige Blühflächen und Spätsommeransaat - Darum funktioniert die späte Saat oft besser (BW Agrar)

Soluções de agricultura digital e para o manejo de pragas são os destaques da Syngenta para o 14º Congresso Brasileiro do Algodão

Cómo las rotaciones de cultivos mejoran la resiliencia agrícola - Un nuevo estudio, apoyado por CIMMYT y proyectos como MasAgro-Cultivos para México y Excelencia en Agronomía, subraya los beneficios de implementar rotaciones más diversas en diferentes condiciones de cultivo

Ontdek de voordelen van Hyvido gerstrassen bij late zaai

Grower discovers how Syngenta's Miravis Duo fungicide protects peanut yield

September 2, 2024

Manque de fourrage : testez les orges Hyvido de Syngenta et adoptez l’option 3 en 1

Harnessing genetic potential: Double haploid plants accelerating plant breeding

Tips voor grasland in het najaar

Denmark - Sakata Ornamentals enhances growth with LEDs (AgriTech Tomorrow)

August 30, 2024

ANPROS Semillas de Chile - Webinar: Importación de semillas como carga expresa aérea

Management matters when protecting your stored oilseeds

Drone technology delivering unique opportunities for agriculture - Drones bring precise solution to tricky sunflower desiccation

Big data approach improves on-farm trial insights

Biohybrid robots controlled by electrical impulses — in mushrooms

August 29, 2024

Diverse crop rotations reduce risk of crop loss under poor growing conditions

August 28, 2024

Modernizing plant health surveillance to anticipate and mitigate disease and pest emergence

ISAAA Inc. provides information on the recent developments in gene editing

Take your seed cleaning to new lengths! Cimbria's indented cylinder separator is designed to efficiently clean and sort a variety of granular materials, including wheat, oats, maize, rice, fine seeds, lentils, sunflower sticks, and sugar beet

Bringing new pod-shatter resistant canola to market

Aussaat-Technik - Raps in Einzelkornsaat: Das sind die Vorteile für die Ackerkultur (Agrar heute)

Se avecina una campaña con mala calidad de semilla: ¿Cómo enfrentarla?

August 27, 2024

Mais als „Grüne Brücke“

August 23, 2024

Diversificar culturas na sucessão entre milho e soja aumenta lucro do produtor em até 11%

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