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July 26, 2024

Fight against cereal rusts enters a new era

July 19, 2024

Fungicide plan and soil data critical for faba beans

July 18, 2024

Seeds with and without pericarps adopt distinct germination strategies

July 17, 2024

Disease control critical for faba bean success, expert says

July 10, 2024

Tomato triumph: genetic key to chill-proof crops unveiled

July 9, 2024

High-throughput soybean pods high-quality segmentation and seed-per-pod estimation for soybean plant breeding (ScienceDirect)

July 8, 2024

Tomato timekeeper: NF-YA3b gene's role in flowering time revealed

July 5, 2024

Australia - Deep tillage investment helps faba bean expansion

Lasers, ‘pirate bugs’ and bacteria help protect crops - Scientists are finding new ways to tackle pests and boost crop yields, without resorting to the use of harmful chemical (Nature)

July 4, 2024

Researchers decipher transcriptional regulatory network of wheat endosperm development for breeding improvements

Unlocking broccoli's genome: key to enhanced health benefits

July 3, 2024

Soybean seed hardness demystified: key genes and networks uncovered

Cutting down on seeds: innovative watermelon breeding techniques revealed

June 28, 2024

Stopping Ascochyta might be a case of fooling the messenger

June 26, 2024

Scientists discover genetic ‘off switch’ in legume plants that limits biological ability to source nutrients - The discovery of a new genetic regulator in legumes could be key to understanding how to increase the crop’s capacity to convert nitrogen from the air and improve soil quality

Beyond CRISPR: seekRNA delivers a new pathway for accurate gene editing - Programmable tool can precisely target and relocate genetic sequences

June 14, 2024

Chinese scientists’ gene discovery paves way for machine hybrid rice seed production (South China Morning Post)

June 12, 2024

Controlling bacterial wilt in tomato in Taiwan with hybrid eggplant rootstocks

June 6, 2024

Re-imagining heat tolerance traits in wheat – part 2

June 5, 2024

Partnerships and vision are key to an autonomous future - GRDC’s Grain Automate strategy is seeking to help growers realise even more profitable and sustainable farming systems into the future

June 4, 2024

Australia - Machinery innovations to revolutionise weed control

June 3, 2024

Genetic editing of ideal small grain size genes enables fully mechanized hybrid rice breeding

May 31, 2024

Precise gene editing in rice and tomatoes using a tiny enzyme (Natural Science News)

May 24, 2024

DA-BAR and IRRI launch online platform for digital ag tools in The Philippines

May 23, 2024

Biometrical genetics workflow app demonstration at IRRI Headquarters

May 22, 2024

New Zealand - Portal eases payment of seed royalties (Farmers Weekly)

May 20, 2024

Gene editing improves soybean yield (China Daily)

May 17, 2024

Researchers unlock water-saving potential of wheat with TabHLH27 balancing stress and growth

May 3, 2024

RiceMoRe – a digital data platform to systematically advance rice production management in Vietnam

Updated resource for Australian growers to enhance – not hinder – beneficial insects


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