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September 9, 2024

Canola Council of Canada statement regarding China’s Notice of Initiation of anti-dumping investigation into Canadian canola seed

August 14, 2024

Oilseed rape called important crop for food security in the United Kingdom (Farmers Guide)

August 8, 2024

Border issues cause problems for crucial oilseed rape trails and must be improved

July 22, 2024

Celebrating Michael Eskin’s canola legacy - The University of Manitoba canola researcher will be inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame this fall (Manitoba Co-Operator)

May 3, 2024

Canola Council of Canada welcomes establishment of regulatory pathway for plant breeding innovation

September 27, 2023

Canola’s opportunities abound as breeding, uses advance: IRC (Grain Central)

November 14, 2022

Canada - Better seeding conditions and site-specific hybrids could push canola yields higher (RealAgriculture)

March 18, 2022

Australia - Canola looks less risky through a longer lens

June 28, 2021

Canada's canola farmers hope WTO complaint against China can ease costly blocks on seed exports (South China Morning Post)

May 28, 2021

Championing oilseed rape (Farmers Guardian)

February 22, 2021

La filière de Colza, levier de développement de souveraineté alimentaire (L'Economiste Maghrebin)

February 18, 2021

Japan GM food safety update: Transgenic soy, rapeseed have no impact on biodiversity even after 15 years – government study
Datos de 15 años del cultivo de colza y soja MG en Japón confirman que no tienen efectos sobre la biodiversidad

November 12, 2020

Nachhaltigkeit im Schweizer Rapsanbau fördern
Promouvoir la durabilité dans la culture de colza suisse

November 6, 2020

Canada - More calls made for heat tolerant canola varieties (The Western Producer)

June 17, 2020

Culture du colza en France : toute la filière mobilisée

June 8, 2020

France - Colza et céréales à paille : Miser davantage sur les variétés hybrides ? (Terre-net)

May 11, 2020

"Trockenstresstoleranz": Pflanzenzucht in Klimawandel-Zeiten (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

May 4, 2020

Schweiz - Darum wird Saatgut importiert - Die Gründe für den Verzicht auf eine eigene Saatgutproduktion bei Raps und Zuckerrüben sind vielfältig (Schweizer Bauer)

July 16, 2019

At Bayer SeedGroth, we’re always looking for new solutions for farmers

June 20, 2019

Oregon's seed war: can vegetable crops and canola coexist in the seed capital of America? (Civil Eats)

April 4, 2019

Why hybrids are key to future oil seed rape success in the United Kingdom

April 1, 2019

Canada - Canola working group on market access with China a positive step

March 31, 2019

Canada taking tougher stance against China on canola seed ban, citing lack of scientific evidence (The Globe and Mail)

March 26, 2019

Canada must send trade mission to China to end canola seed boycott: Manitoba's agriculture minister (CBC)

February 18, 2019

Argentina no autorizó ninguna colza OGM ni se han realizado ensayos a campo con este tipo de materiales
Argentina denies any responsibility in the GMO rapeseed case

December 30, 2018

Australian hesitation on GM canola a costly mistake (The Western Producer)

July 20, 2018

Colza, una coltura pronta a decollare - In Italia il suo utilizzo è marginale, ma c'è aria di cambiamento - E Kws possiede un'ampia gamma di ibridi, come Gordon, il quale ha dimostrato massima adattabilità agli ambienti della penisola (AgroNotizie)

June 11, 2018

Future-proofing OSR - Given agronomy challenges, pressure on inputs and volatile markets, what are plant breeders doing to help safeguard oilseed rape’s place in the rotation? (FG Insight)

June 6, 2018

The impact of delays in Chinese approvals of biotech crops (Informa Agribusiness Consulting)

May 25, 2018

Pink pineapples and healthy fries: the new GM foods made for you (New Scientist)


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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun

12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants


The Triumph of Seeds

How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History

By Thor Hanson 

Basic Books




The History and Science of Plant Breeding

Noel Kingsbury
The University of Chicago Press


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of the FORUM section


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