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New breeding techniques

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October 4, 2024

Debate about ownership of gene-editing techniques; researchers suggest solutions
Discussie over eigendomsrecht rond gentechnieken; onderzoekers komen met oplossingen

September 27, 2024

Plant breeders want unified global policy on genome-edited crops to boost food security (AgTechNavigator)

September 9, 2024

Deutschland- Wirtschaft pocht auf Kennzeichnung neuer Züchtungstechniken (Top Agrar)

‘Positive response’ from Defra on implementing Precision Breeding Act (Fresh Produce)

September 2, 2024

La aprobación del CRISPR en la Unión Europea vuelve a estar en punto muerto (Portagrano)

La tecnología del futuro que ya tenemos disponible - La ciencia y la regulación deben ir siempre de la mano, colaborar y trabajar para que la agricultura europea no se vea frenada

August 15, 2024

Mendelsche Vererbung austricksen - Gene-Drive für Pflanzen

Chemischer Pflanzenschutz kommt an seine Grenzen – Genschere als Hoffnungsträger

August 13, 2024

New Zealand - Gene technology laws to change: reaction

New Zealand to benefit from end to gene tech ban

August 12, 2024

CRISPR: Is Switzerland ready to embrace gene editing in agriculture?
CRISPR: Ist die Schweiz bereit für Gentechnik in der Landwirtschaft?
La Svizzera è pronta ad adottare le nuove tecniche di editing genetico in agricoltura?

August 1, 2024

How gene editing hopes to boost produce consumption (The Packer)

July 22, 2024

Power of small for plant genome editing (GEN)

July 17, 2024

Viewpoint: England’s Precision Breeding Act ‘remains an empty shell and serves no functional purpose’ — Will politics scuttle crop gene editing future? (Genetic Literacy Project)

July 16, 2024

Neue Züchtungstechniken: Für Ethiken der Innovation und des Kompromisses (Bioökonomie.de)

July 11, 2024

European Union’s food watchdog dismisses concerns over gene-edited crops proposal amid Council deadlock (Euractiv)

July 7, 2024

European Union begins to benefit from gene editing

June 28, 2024

Une absence regrettable de consensus des Etats membres sur le projet de règlement des nouvelles techniques génomiques

June 27, 2024

Seed industry stewardship focuses on gene editing (AgriPulse)

European Union - GMO reform in doubt after failed bid to break government deadlock (EuroNews)

June 26, 2024

EU Council deadlock on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs) further delays innovation for Europe’s plant breeders and farmers

Can Canada attract gene-editing expertise? Companies want to see more ability to collect royalties than is available in some crops in Canada (Farmtario)

June 25, 2024

CRISPR y la nueva era del fitomejoramiento de precisión: conversación con el Dr. Tom Adams, Director Ejecutivo de Pairwise

June 19, 2024

Deutscher Bundesrat : Länder haben weiter Klärungsbedarf bei neuen Züchtungstechniken (Top Agrar)

June 18, 2024

How CRISPR gene-editing technology could change the way we eat

June 17, 2024

NIAB chief urges next Government to prioritise implementing rules for precision breeding in agriculture

June 14, 2024

Proposed EU ban on gene-edited crop patents prompts dispute (Financial Times)

June 13, 2024

CRISPR and the new era of precision plant breeding: In conversation with Pairwise CEO Dr. Tom Adams (AgFunder News)

June 11, 2024

Geschäftsfüher des Bundesverbandes Deutscher Pflanzenzüchter (BDP): Die Genschere ist nur „ein Stein eines größeren Mosaiks“ (Agrar heute)

June 7, 2024

Argentina - Los desafíos y el potencial de la biotecnología para impulsar el desarrollo del país


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12 books on plant breeding, classic, modern and fun

12 livres sur l'amélioration des plantes : classiques, modernes et amusants


The Triumph of Seeds

How Grains, Nuts, Kernels, Pulses, and Pips Conquered the Plant Kingdom and Shaped Human History

By Thor Hanson 

Basic Books




The History and Science of Plant Breeding

Noel Kingsbury
The University of Chicago Press


1997-2009 archive
of the FORUM section


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