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Grower discovers how Syngenta's Miravis Duo fungicide protects peanut yield

September 2, 2024

treated peanut field miravis duoPeanuts treated with MIRAVIS® Duo fungicide (rear) alongside the strip accidentally missed (foreground).

It’s not often you get the perfect demonstration of the difference a well-timed fungicide spray can make. But for peanut grower Rod Grant, accidentally missing a strip when spraying convinced him that his investment in MIRAVIS® Duo fungicide from Syngenta was worth every cent.

Mr Grant of Steffensen & Sons grows around 60 hectares of dryland peanuts, mostly variety Kairi, in the South Burnett region of Queensland. Planting is normally in late October-November but last season the crop wasn’t planted until 3 December due to late rains. Like most peanut growers, Mr Grant tackles leaf spots, rust and net blotch each season.

“We sprayed MIRAVIS® Duo at 500 mL/ha in a high-water rate in late February, about 12 weeks after planting,” said Mr Grant.

“Apparently, I missed a strip. About six weeks later I sent photos to Neil [Bauer] from Syngenta. The rows that weren’t sprayed with MIRAVIS® Duo were all brown, those that got the spray were still green.”

“At cut out time we got no nuts from those unsprayed rows. We lost the nuts because the plants had no peg strength.”

rod grant peanut grower in peanut siloRod Grant at the top of his 100-bag peanut silo.

Mr Grant heard about MIRAVIS® Duo fungicide at a shed day run by Muirs in Kingaroy, in early spring the year before.

“Neil really talked up it up, about how good it was, and it definitely proved to be as good as he said,” said Mr Grant.

MIRAVIS® Duo fungicide sets a new standard in disease control in peanuts and is registered for control of early leaf spot (Mycosphaerella arachidis), late leaf spot (Mycosphaerella berkeleyi) and net blotch (Didymella arachidicola) as well as suppression of rust (Puccinia arachidis).

Syngenta Area Sales Manager, Neil Bauer, said MIRAVIS® Duo fungicide is a good fit for the peanut industry, bringing a new active ingredient and enabling growers to stretch spray intervals out to 21 days.

“Diseases like leaf spot and rust set in with heavy dews and showery conditions. The past season was pretty extreme in terms of disease pressure and it’s good to know you’ve got a product with long residual activity,” said Mr Bauer.

“That makes MIRAVIS® Duo a key tool for peanut growers and an excellent addition to resistance management strategies.”

“Better green leaf area correlates directly with increased crop yield. Infected crops have premature leaf drop and weak pegs that break during pulling and thrashing, leading to yield loss.”

MIRAVIS® Duo fungicide should be used as part of a preventative disease strategy. Optimal timing is from pre-row closure to pegging, to protect the developing crop over the flowering and pegging period and it can provide up to 28 days of residual control.

Mr Grant said MIRAVIS® Duo fungicide has replaced other fungicides with a shorter 7 to 14-day spray interval in his spray program. He found one spray of MIRAVIS® Duo fungicide extremely effective even when the disease pressure was high in the surrounding region.

“Disease pressure was really high last season, we kept getting south-easterlies and fog that kept things wet,” said Mr Grant.

“Initially I thought MIRAVIS® Duo was quite expensive, but that one spray made a hell of a difference. I know people who sprayed a cheaper product up to three times and it still wasn’t working.

“Only having to do one spray definitely saves us money, not only in chemical costs, but also in time on the tractor.

“We’d normally cut out 20 weeks after planting, but the weather conditions meant it was more like 23 weeks. So that was about 8 weeks after spraying MIRAVIS® Duo and the plants were still green.

“Normally we wouldn’t be able to keep the plants green for that long. Other growers even remarked how green the plants stayed. 

“MIRAVIS® Duo will definitely be in our program again next season.” 

Visit syngenta.com.au/miravis-duo for more information, or reach out to your local Syngenta representative.


More solutions from: Syngenta Australia

Website: https://www.syngenta.com.au

Published: September 3, 2024

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