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Advancing Sustainable Agriculture in Spain and Italy: The Benefits of Plant Breeding and Community-Based Plant Variety Protection

European Union
February 9, 2024


On February 14th, the Community Plant Variety Office will be participating in a key event organized by the Italian-Spanish section of the Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid (ICAM), titled "Benefits of Plant Breeding and the Community System for the Protection of Plant Varieties as Tools to Strengthen Sustainable Development in Spain and Italy."  

This session is set to thoroughly explore the importance of plant breeding and variety protection in sustainable agricultural practices.

The event, starting at 16:00 hours at the Salón de Actos del ICAM (C/Serrano, 9), is crucial for anyone interested in the sustainable evolution of the agricultural sector.  

The discussions will be led by CPVO's President, Francesco Mattina, and Vice-President, Nuria Urquía, whose expertise and leadership in plant variety protection will provide critical insights.  

Andrea Sirimarco, Co-president of the Italo-Spanish Section, will moderate the event, which also includes Antonio Villarroel López de la Garma, Secretary-General of the Spanish National Association of Plant Breeders (ANOVE).  

The session aims to deepen understanding of how plant breeding and plant variety protection contribute to sustainable agricultural practices in Spain and Italy.

CPVO's involvement in this event reflects its dedication to fostering innovation in plant breeding and ensuring the protection of new plant varieties, aligning with broader EU objectives like the EU Green Deal and the EU Intellectual Property action plan. These emphasize the significance of plant breeding and variety protection in European society.

This meeting is more than just a knowledge-sharing platform; it's an opportunity for stakeholders in the plant breeding and agricultural sectors to engage in discussions that could shape future sustainable practices in these regions. The CPVO is committed to ensuring that the insights and outcomes from this event significantly advance sustainable agriculture in Spain, Italy, and globally.

While physical with compulsory registration, the event will also be streamed online. Registered participants (here is the registration form) will receive a link to enable them to log in for active participation in the event, or to follow it via the ICAM’s YouTube channel.  


More news from: European Union - Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO)

Website: http://www.cpvo.europa.eu

Published: February 9, 2024

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