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July 23, 2024

Saatbau Linz - Leistungsstarke Premiumweizensorten: Aurelius, Arameus, Artimus - ein starkes Trio für Trockengebiete

July 10, 2024

Groundbreaking discovery: Zinc can make crop yields more climate-resilient

France - Place aux maïs adaptés au changement climatique

July 1, 2024

Buckwheat responds better than wheat to future climate conditions
El sarraceno responde mejor que el trigo a las condiciones climáticas del futuro
Artobeltzak gariak baino hobeto erantzuten die etorkizuneko klima-kondizioei

June 26, 2024

78 million euros for research on resilient crops and ecosystems

June 18, 2024

Wageningen University & Research participates in major international research on climate-resilient crops
WUR neemt deel aan groot internationaal onderzoek naar klimaatbestendige gewassen

June 12, 2024

Climate resilient crops: Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Wellcome Trust award a grant of up to DKK 585 million to the ‘Ancient Environmental Genomics Initiative for Sustainability’

June 3, 2024

España - Tozer trabaja semillas resistentes sin modificación genética (Revista Mercados)

May 22, 2024

Roots are a key to drought-tolerant maize - Study headed by the University of Bonn analyses 9,000 varieties of maize around the world
Wurzel als Schlüssel zu dürretoleranterem Mais - Studie unter Federführung der Universität Bonn analysiert weltweit 9.000 Maissorten

May 10, 2024

Climate lab at the University of Essex will create crops for ‘tomorrow’s atmosphere today’


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