Jack Bodger - Environmental Seed Producers

December 2002

Tell us about the different role and position the wildflower seed sector occupies in different countries.
Many developed countries use wildflowers for beautification for the same reasons we do here in North America. The impact of urbanization on the environment leaves us with fewer opportunities to experience nature on a daily basis. Wildflower plantings are one way of bringing beauty and contact with nature back into our lives.

In Australia and South Africa, the ‘native’ plants are used in landscaping but to my knowledge they are not sold as mixtures of seeds that attempt to recreate the herbaceous plant community of a given bioregion within those countries.

In many European countries, the definition of what constitutes a ‘wildflower’ is restricted to native species only. In some cases, it is required that ‘wildflower’ seed be only obtained by harvesting it in the wild—it cannot be cultivated and be sold as wildflower seed.

In so-called ‘developing’ countries, the relative level of economic affluence may not allow for significant expenditures for landscaping.

(to Gene Milstein's answer)




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