John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK is an independent research centre for plant and
sciences. The JIC is grant-aided by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research
The JIC has over 850 staff and students. JIC carries out high quality fundamental,
strategic and
applied research to understand how plants and microbes work at the molecular, cellular and
levels. The JIC also trains scientists and students, collaborates with many other research
laboratories and communicates its science to end-users and the general public.
The Sainsbury Laboratory (SL) is
located at the John Innes Centre in Norwich, and accommodates
approximately 95 scientists. This research institution is a charity
dedicated to making fundamental discoveries about plants and how they
interact with microbes and viruses.
SL staff members are employed jointly
by the University of East Anglia (UEA) and by the SL. The SL favours
daring, long-term research over work that could be equally well carried
out elsewhere. The institute is funded through the Gatsby Charitable
Foundation and from competitive grants from the EU and BBSRC. |