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John Innes Centre at Cereals 2006
Norwich, United Kingdom
June 13, 2006


Scientists from the John Innes Centre (JIC), Norwich will be at the Royal Agricultural Society of England’s annual Cereals event being held this year at Nocton, Lincs on 14/15 June, talking to farmers and breeders.


Cereals 2006 is Europe’s, premier arable event of the year. Whatever the connection to the arable industry it provides a forum for discussion and sharing practical advice amongst the 22,000 who attend. The UK’s arable industry is facing one of its most challenging periods and many stands, including JICs, are focusing on new opportunities in agriculture, with themes and plans to support new ventures and technologies. The JIC stand (No. 308) will be demonstrating a Sustainable Arable Link Programme on the potential to maximize harvest index in oil seed rape, the Wheat Genetics Improvement Network (WGIN) at JIC and examples of other research at JIC that provides a vital pipeline to plant breeders.


“Cereals 2006 will provide the perfect opportunity for us to talk to our primary stakeholders” said Professor Chris Lamb, JIC Director, who will be attending the first day of this years show.


The JIC, Norwich, UK is an independent, world-leading research centre in plant and microbial sciences with over 800 staff. JIC carries out high quality fundamental, strategic and applied research to understand how plants and microbes work at the molecular, cellular and genetic levels. The JIC also trains scientists and students, collaborates with many other research laboratories and communicates its science to end-users and the general public. The JIC is grant-aided by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.

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