Norwich, United Kingdom
January 4, 2007
Prof Ian Bancroft and colleagues
John Innes Centre,
UK (JIC) have developed a revolutionary new method to predict
heterosis. The method can be used to accurately predict hybrid
vigour for a range of important
crop performance traits, including yield.
Accurate predictions of field
performance of hybrids can be made from transcriptome analysis
of samples taken from parental seedlings grown in the
Bioscience Ltd. (PBL), the technology transfer company of the JIC,
has funded the further development of this method, extending
from the original work in Arabidopsis, to prove that the
technology also works accurately in maize.
PBL is now offering licences to the seed and
plant breeding industry to use this technology to assist the
breeding and development of a wide range of crops, worldwide.
Various possibilities can also be arranged with
PBL and the JIC to allow companies to evaluate the methods on
their own germplasm. "
For further information and contact details, please see attached
information sheet: