Norwich, United Kingdom
November 1, 2004
Scientists at the John
Innes Centre (JIC) Norwich, have been working for many years
on nitrogen fixation, the natural process that microbes use to
trap nitrogen gas and convert it into a form that they, and
plants, can use. The JIC team have today, announced a discovery
which adds to our understanding of how microbes sense
environmental conditions are right for them to begin fixing
“Bacteria that fix nitrogen only do so when they sense that
there is very little nitrogen available in their environment,”
says Professor Ray Dixon (Project Leader at the JIC. “Normally
the genes for nitrogen fixation are locked off and only unlocked
and used when nitrogen levels in the environment fall. We have
discovered a key piece of biochemistry that allows us to better
understand how the lock operates and so may allow us to alter
how it works”.
The bacterium Azotobacter vinelandii is able to fix
atmospheric nitrogen when available nitrogen in its environment
falls below a threshold level. Nitrogen fixation requires a
great deal of energy and so the genes that carry out nitrogen
fixation (so called nif genes) are tightly regulated and
switched off when not required.
The nif genes are regulated by the action of two proteins,
called NifL and NifA. NifA stimulates the activity of nif genes,
while NifL normally binds to NifA and renders it inactive. Thus
whether the nif genes are active or not depends on the
interaction between these two proteins. Both proteins are
sensitive to biochemical signals that occur in the bacterial
cell when conditions are right for nitrogen fixation. The
proteins’ physical shape and structure alters in response to
these signals and this affects their ability to bind to one
another. The result is that, when conditions are right for
nitrogen fixation, NifA is released from the grip of NifL and is
then able to stimulate the activity of the nif genes and so
switches on nitrogen fixation by the cell.
The latest research has identified a single amino acid change in
the NifL protein that prevents the molecule releasing NifA when
the appropriate signals are present [1]. This gives the
scientists an important clue about the key processes which
operate the lock that controls nitrogen fixation.
The discovery will be reported in the international science
journal Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences US, and is available on line in
the PNAS Online Early Edition [2].
[1] NifA is a sigma factor dependent transcriptional activator
that stimulate nif gene activity. Its action is blocked by
protein-protein binding with NifL, an anti-activator. NifL is
sensitive to the redox and fixed nitrogen status of the cell.
Binding of 2-oxoglutarate (an indicator of cell carbon status)
to NifA prevents NifL from inhibiting NifA . A critical arginine
residue (R306) has been identified in NifL that is required to
release NifA under appropriate environmental conditions.
Mutation of this residue blocks release of NifA from NifL. The
substitution of this arginine significantly alters the
conformation of the NifL molecule and inhibits NifA’s response
to 2-oxoglutarate. It appears that arginine 306 is critical for
coupling the response of NifL to the cellular redox and fixed
nitrogen status to a conformational switch that prevents NifL
from inhibiting NifA under conditions suitable for nitrogen
[2] A crucial arginine residue is required for a conformational
switch in NifL to regulate nitrogen fixation in Azotobacter
vinelandii. I. Martinez-Argudo, R. Little and R. Dixon.
Article #04-05312
The John Innes Centre (JIC), Norwich, UK is an
independent, world-leading research centre in plant and
microbial sciences. The JIC has over 850 staff and students.
JIC carries out high quality fundamental, strategic and applied
research to understand how plants and microbes work at the
molecular, cellular and genetic levels. The JIC also trains
scientists and students, collaborates with many other research
laboratories and communicates its science to end-users and the
general public. The JIC is grant-aided by the Biotechnology and
Biological Sciences Research Council. |