September 18, 2002
The John Innes Centre
(JIC)[1] and
Sainsbury Laboratory (SL)[2], Norwich, have today announced
that one of their commercial partners has signalled its
intention to withdraw from a major research alliance that was
established three years ago. The
Biotechnology and Biological
Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) [3], the sponsoring body
of the JIC, has also expressed its regret at the ending of this
research alliance. This decision is a result of the company's
global reorganisation following the merger
of agricultural businesses AstraZeneca and Novartis.
"While the termination of this innovative research and
technology transfer agreement is regrettable," said Professor
Chris Lamb (Director of the JIC) "it will not affect our
commitment to remaining at the forefront of international wheat
research. We are already in discussion with
Syngenta about maximising
the scientific benefit of the now truncated joint venture. Wheat
is the principal cereal crop in the UK and our research on wheat
genomics will continue to provide new opportunities for UK
breeders and growers. Transferring what we learn to industry is
a key part of the research process and this decision is
obviously a setback to this process. However, JIC has a strong
portfolio of knowledge and technology transfer mechanisms that
will continue to help ensure that our research is made available
to industrial and other users as efficiently as possible."
The research collaboration, agreed in 1999, included three
- The funding of fundamental
research projects at JIC/SL.
- The establishment of a
Syngenta Laboratory on the site within the newly-built Genome
- An innovative agreement to
protect and share the intellectual property, arising from the
collaborative programme, designed to facilitate the take up
and use of publicly funded science
by the private sector.
Syngenta has made a business
decision to eliminate overlap of expertise and resources that
resulted from the merger of Zeneca Agrochemicals and Novartis
"We are obviously disappointed that this collaboration will not
be continuing as envisaged," says Professor Julia Goodfellow,
Chief Executive of the BBSRC. "The John Innes Centre is one of
Europe's premier facilities for plant and microbial science, and
its internationally acclaimed research will not be significantly
affected by this decision. This decision is particularly sad as
it comes at a time when research is rapidly opening up new
opportunities for understanding plant genetics and streamlining
the selective breeding process in ways that could help support
sustainable food production worldwide. However we recognise the
company has had to reassess its needs following merger."
Mr Don O'Nions (JIC Company Secretary) said, "The collaboration
is subject to a detailed legal contract which includes
termination clauses that cover exactly this contingency. In the
coming weeks we will be working with Syngenta to develop an exit
strategy for them that honours their commitments and protects
the interests of the JIC and the SL".
"The funding from the collaboration agreement with Syngenta was
for short-term research projects and was additional to the
support for our main science programmes from public bodies and
charities", said Professor David Baulcombe (Head of the
Sainsbury Laboratory). It is disappointing that we have lost an
opportunity for development of our science. However we shall
continue to explore every possible way of realising the
potential of our research to benefit farmers, consumers and the
[1] John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK is an independent,
world-leading research centre in plant and microbial sciences.
The JIC has over 850 staff and students. JIC carries out high
quality fundamental, strategic and applied research to
understand how plants and microbes work at the molecular,
cellular and genetic levels. The JIC also trains scientists and
students, collaborates with many other research laboratories and
communicates its science to end-users and the general public.
The JIC is grant-aided by the Biotechnology and Biological
Sciences Research Council.
[2] The Sainsbury Laboratory has a worldwide reputation for
research on molecular plant-microbe interactions. The major aim
of the Laboratory is to pursue the fundamental processes
involved in the interactions of plants and their microbial
pathogens and symbionts. Funding for the Laboratory is primarily
through grants from a charitable foundation. In addition grants
are obtained from research councils, the European Union and
other organizations. The laboratory is located at the John Innes
Centre, Norwich, UK, which is an independent, world-leading
research centre in plant and microbial science.
[3] BBSRC is one of the
seven Research Councils sponsored through the UK Government's
Office of Science and Technology and invests around £220 million
per annum in the biosciences. BBSRC sustains a world-class
bioscience research community for the UK. Its mission is not
only to fund internationally competitive research, but also to
provide training in the biosciences, to foster opportunities for
knowledge transfer and innovation and to promote interaction
with the public and other stakeholders on issues of scientific
interest. The wide range of research funded by BBSRC makes
a significant contribution to the quality of life for UK
citizens and supports a number of important industrial
stakeholders including the agriculture, food, chemical,
healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors.