Norwich, United Kingdom
January 30, 2007
New research led by Professor Anne
Osbourn at the John Innes
Centre (Norwich UK) has recently been published in the
Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences (PNAS Dec 5, 2006, vol 103, no 49,
pp18,848-18,853) describing a novel cytochrome P450 enzyme found
in oats, called Sad2, that is involved in the synthesis of
avenacin in the roots which protects the plant against the
fungal disease “take-all.”
The Sad2 gene technology is the
subject of a pending worldwide patent application (Publication
Number WO 2006/044508) assigned to PBL, who are working closely
with Dupont to develop the
commercial applications of this technology.
For more information contact Dr
Adam Hajjar (