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Aventis CropScience
Aventis CropScience is part of the agricultural business area of Aventis, a world leader in life sciences. Aventis integrates crop protection, plant breeding, biotechnology and agronomic information to provide total crop solutions to farmers. With 1998 pro-forma sales of more than 4.09 billion euros ($6,l billion Canadian) Aventis CropScience devotes over 10% of its turnover to the research and development of new chemicals, biotechnology and plant varieties. It employs about 16,000 people in more than 120 countries worldwide.
April 00

Canola production just got a little easier with the approval for use of Liberty herbicide on LibertyLink canola In Eastern Canada (2649)

January 00

Majority of Liberty Link corn hybrids are EU approved (2399)

November 99

Liberty Herbicide label expanded in Canada - New tank-rnixes and weeds added to the Liberty Herbicide label means increased flexibility for corn producers (2270)

August 99

Liberty Link seed guide now available from AgrEvo Canada - Company notes that majority of hybrids EU approved (2075)

May 99

AgrEvo Canada announces the Million Kernel Winner (N1797)

April 99

AgrEvo Canada receives Strategic Initiatives funding to develop hardier wheat (N1787)

AgrEvo InVigor hybrid canola available in 1999 (N1720)

March 99

Independent trials confirm InVigor yield advantage (N1730)

February 99

Six new InVigor canola hybrids recommended for registration (N1731)

Cargill, AgrEvo set aside Cargill Hybrid Seeds sales agreement (N1525)

New Liberty Plus program: $5/acre cash back when you spray Liberty herbicide and Fusion herbicide (N1509)

January 99

Section 18 granted for Liberty Herbicide on LibertyLink Canola in Minnesota and North Dakota (N1508)

December 98

AgrEvo's InVigor 2273 sold out; InVigor 2153 selling fast (N1732)


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