Regina, Saskatchewan
March 1, 1999AgrEvo's InVigor(R) canola hybrids have once again
demonstrated their superior profit potential in 1998 trials across Western Canada.
Conducted by the Canola Council of Canada, the
trials compared the three herbicide-tolerant
systems (Liberty Link®, Roundup Ready® and SMART®) at nine sites.
InVigor hybrids 2153 and 2163 were included at eight of the nine sites and turned in an
performance, with yields ranking both first and second at six of the eight sites, and
coming first and third at another.
Results mirror the yield advantage shown over the past two years at AgrEvo's Demonstration
Trials (DSTs) managed by canola growers across the Prairies. DSTs are field-scale,
replicated yield trials seeded, treated with the corresponding herbicide and harvested by
cooperating farm managers to achieve real-world results.
Combined results for 1997 and 1998 DSTs show InVigor canola hybrids consistently placed #1
#2 at 93% of the common sites, and on average outyielded the check variety (Quantum) by
than five bushels per acre.
"These most recent results from Canola Council research underscore the yield
advantage that
growers can expect when they seed a hybrid," says Lionel Lamont, AgrEvo's market
manager for
oilseeds. "Hybrid technology can unlock a door to higher per-acre gross returns and
profits per acre."
AgrEvo is a global leader in biotechnology, seeds, crop protection and environmental
health. The
company globally markets a wide range of products for enhancing crop production and urban
control. AgrEvo operates in more than 70 countries and has approximately 8,500 employees
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