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AgrEvo Canada announces the Million Kernel Winner
May 12, 1999

Alex Rose of Ailsa Craig, Ontario won the draw for a million kernels of seed corn of his choice given away by AgrEvo. The winner was selectet from the hundreds of corn growers who entered the contest during the spring farm shows, Alex chose NK brand 2555 Bt, one of NK's Yeildguard(R) hybrids which are warranted by AgrEvo to be resistant to Liberty herbicide.

in addition to winning enough seed corn to plant almost 40 acres, Alex also received the required amount of Liberty herbicide to treat the field.

Liberty herbicide offers corn growers broad-spectrum weed control in a single pass... with complete crop safetv. Liberty, either alone or in combination with a residual herbicide, gets many tough to control weeds, and provides growers with a completely safe post emergent program. This may be very valuable in a hot, dry year like 1999 is shaping up to be.

For more information regarding Liberty herbicide and the various cornbination programs with Liberty, contact your local seed and/or chemical dealer.

Company news release


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