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marker-assisted breeding


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  Articles & books
Lajos Zubek
Associate (Central and Eastern Europe)
Alan Williams
Director (Europe)
Verdant Partners
Verdant Partners' Strategic Insights
Developing the Seed Industry in Central and Eastern Europe
April 2010
Alan Williams
Verdant Partners
Verdant Partners' Strategic Insights
Trends in the European Seed Industry

October 2009
Phil Ashcraft
Verdant Partners
The Vegetable Seed Industry - Where is it Heading
November 2009 article
in the Strategic Insights series
Marco van Schriek
Team Leader, Solanaceae grou
KeyGene delivers sequence-based physical map of the tomato genome to CBSG and international SOL Consortium
Interview with Marco van Schriek, team leader of KeyGene’s Solanaceae group.
Alan R. Gould, Ph.D.
Verdant Partners
Have I Got a New Trait for You!
October 2009 article
in the Strategic Insights series
Alan Williams
Verdant Partners
Trends in the European Seed Industry
September 2009 article
in the Strategic Insights series
Mark van Haaren
Vice President
Business Development

KeyGene, the Green Gene revolution goes America

Establishing genotype to phenotype relations: from art to science

KeyGene delivers sequence-based physical map of the tomato genome to CBSG and international SOL Consortium

It’s a Green Gene Revolution: Keygene's 20th Anniversary

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Join us to make innovation work!

KeyGene InnovatorsClub members benefit from interaction
Since its start in April 2008, seven motivated plant breeding companies have joined the KeyGene InnovatorsClub.

A new mutagenesis technique
During the Genomics in Business 2009 conference in Amsterdam, KeyGene announced an innovative method to achieve rapid and more precise plant breeding. The method enables the introduction of small desired alterations in the genetic material of plants, using a natural process. This process can be compared with natural mutagenesis, with the difference that a single change is induced at one specific location on the DNA.

Bud Hughes
Verdant Partners
Crop Genetics and the Ethanol Industry of Tomorrow
(July 09)
Malcolm Blackie
bT Associates
The Seeds of Development Programme (SODP) Observations on the current programme
Garrett Stoerger
Verdant Partners
Farm Level Credit Availability
(May 09)
Gary Wackerlin
Verdant Partners
How to Survive in the Current Economy
(April 09)

INIA Chile
Tierra adentro No. 82

Enero-Febrero 2009

- La innovación y la propiedad intelectual
- Diversidad fitogenética - Informe del patrimonio de Chile (PDF)
- Trigo en el Sur - Brotación: ocurrencia y effectos (PDF)
- Metodología rice check en la agricultura familiar campesina (PDF)

Dean Cavey
Verdant Partners

A Time of Challenge
(February 09)

David Dickson

Is it time to rethink intellectual property laws?
¿Hora de reconsiderar leyes de propiedad intelectual?

INIA Chile
Tierra adentro No. 81

Noviembre-Deciembre 2008

- ADN-Fingerprint (Huella digital de ADN): Nueva herramienta de apoyo al comercio legal de semilla de papa
- Technología Clearfield en trigo
- Riego por goteo en cultivo de melón

INIA Chile
Tierra adentro No. 80

Julio-Agosto 2008

- Variedades aptas para el mercado
Chile está integrado a iniciativa mundial de secuenciación del genoma de la papa
Consorcio tecnolólogico de la papa vio la luz
Las variedades de papa chilenas tienen un gran potencial en Estados Unidos
Red de alerta temprana para el tizón tardio de la papa
Impacto de la tecnologia GTT en el cultivo de papa

INIA Chile
Tierra adentro No. 79
Mayo-Junio 2008

- 44 años al servicio de la agricultural nacional
- Transgénia y agricultura orgánica: ¿Pueden coexistir?
- Una mirada hacia la empresa hortícola de Chile
- Arveja proteaginosa y sus posibilidades en alimentación animal

John Heaton
Senior Agricultural Biologist
California Department of Food and Agriculture
Nursery, Seed and Cotton Program

What the small-time sellers of seed need to know before they sell seed in California

Dr. Kent Bradford
Academic Director
Seed Biotechnology Center
University of California, Davis

A Tale of Two Futures for Seed Biotechnology

Dr. Kent Bradford
Academic Director
Seed Biotechnology Center
University of California, Davis
Dr Hiroyuki Nonogaki
Department of Horticulture
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon

Seed development, dormancy and germination

Dirk Inzé
Vice-President and Scientific Director
European Plant Science Organization

VIB Department of Plant Systems Biology, UGent, Belgium

An ever-growing role for plant sciences

Richard Symes
Tattner Kackenzie Ltd.

Seedsmen's professional liability
Types of claims experienced by Lloyd's policy holders

Robynne M. Anderson
Issues Ink/Germination/Seed World

Shooting for a goal

François Burgaud
Director, External Relations, GNIS

(France's National Inter-Professional Association for Seeds and Plants)

Rights for farmers or farmers' rights?
Charles Pick
Development Manager
DNA LandMarks Inc.
Marker-assisted breeding comes of age
Dr. Edward Mabaya
Research Associate
Department of Applied Economics and Management (AEM)
Cornell University
Strengthening Africa’s private seed sector to serve smallholder farmers
Allen Van Deynze
Senior Scientist
Seed Biotechnology Center
University of California Davis
Seed Biotechnology Center provides input on international biotechnology regulations

Robynne M. Anderson
Publisher and Editor
Issues Ink/Germination

Making research a priority

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