Dare to Share
Join us to make innovation work!
Dare to Share?
Share KeyGene’s Technology Platforms |
Share KeyGene’s Expertise |
SNP discovery technologies (CRoPS®)
SNP mutation technologies (KeyPoint™)
Whole genome sequencing and profiling
Sequenced based breeding
Challenges |
Novel DNA technologies for genetic variation
Phenotyping technologies and approaches
Insect and broad fungal resistance
Abiotic stress
Meiotic recombination
Plant reproduction
- Are you an
innovative thinker?
- Do you use
your knowledge and expertise
to solve important plant breeding questions?
- Does your
company want to accelerate its trait programs?
The “Dare to Share
program” combines the expertise and innovative strength of your
company with KeyGene’s vast experience in an open research
The “Dare to Share program” gives you the opportunity to let
creativity and expertise work together to develop new traits and
applications and earn support to accelerate the innovation
This open innovation initiative makes it possible for research
groups to share common research programs with KeyGene.
Who can participate?
Any company, institute or university group that can help advance
KeyGene’s research, can participate.
KeyGene is interested in discussing:
contributions to your ideas or research programs
co-development innovative breeding applications
and novel traits.
Do you Dare to Share?
Please contact:
An Michiels
Keygene Inc.
Keygene, Inc. and the Agricultural
Research Service of the United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA/ARS)
signed a long term agreement to
collaborate on the characterization of
pepper germplasm with enhanced flavor,
as part of KeyGene’s Dare to Share
strategy. |
collaboration with KeyGene brings
together complementary disciplines to
address complex research problems
related to pepper fruit quality”
Dr. John Stommel Principle Investigator
United States Department of Agriculture,
Agricultural Research Service (USDA/ARS) |