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Keygene N.V.

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Breeding with Green Gene mutations
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The Green Gene Revolution: tasty food, every day
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KeyGene, the Green Gene revolution goes America
Establishing genotype to phenotype relations: from art to science
KeyGene delivers sequence-based physical map of the tomato genome to CBSG and international SOL Consortium
It's a Green Gene Revolution: Keygene's 20th Anniversary
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KeyGene InnovatorsClub members
benefit from interaction

September 2009

Since its start in April 2008, seven motivated plant breeding companies have joined the KeyGene InnovatorsClub. KeyGene encourages companies to join and aims for 20 participants in 2010. The KeyGene InnovatorsClub enabled the participating companies to implement new innovative molecular techniques by collaboration between the companies and by the support of KeyGene and its experience.

Eugenio Gonzalez Clemente
Field Crops Director
Semillas Fito
The diversity of the group is the strength of the collaboration. By sharing our backgrounds and by picking up new market challenges together we expect to benefit significantly from our participation in the KeyGene InnovatorsClub

The KeyGene InnovatorsClub is an initiative that offers small and medium-sized breeding companies the opportunity to join forces in implementing molecular marker technologies for crop improvement. KeyGene supports the collaborations sharing its vast experience in crop breeding. The members range from small to medium-sized breeding companies that breed with a very small to a large portfolio of crops. They interact with each other in an environment of open innovation. Two small consortia of each three and four members resp. with a focus on field crop and flower breeding have been formed. The members of these consortia all have access to KeyGene’s wealth of experience in molecular breeding to develop molecular applications and new traits for their preferred crops. Initially the companies started bi-lateral projects with KeyGene, but the first pre-competitive research programs in which open innovation is the key driver are now in development.

It is well accepted in the industry that breeding companies that do not employ molecular tools in their breeding processes will eventually lose market share, since the larger breeding companies heavily invest in these new technologies and implement them in their research and breeding programs. The KeyGene InnovatorsClub offers small and medium-sized breeding companies the possibility to develop molecular tools in collaboration and strengthen their competitive market position.
Collaboration between competitors is always a challenge even if it concerns pre-competitive work. The KeyGene InnovatorsClub provides companies the secure environment and long term commitment to team up and make a difference in the market together. The bi-annual workshops give the companies the opportunity to get to know each other well and make them feel comfortable to exchange ideas and communicate about research strategies suitable for their particular crops.
In combination with KeyGene’s consultancy this leads to a variety of different projects that stretch from standard genetic distance analyses and backcross programs to more challenging marker development programs and molecular mutagenesis projects. In this way bottlenecks in the breeding programs are being tackled that relate to seed quality control, disease tolerance, abiotic stress, and quality traits.

The KeyGene InnovatorsClub is still growing. New members are invited to join. The InnovatorsClub aims to grow in 2010 to a select group of about 20 breeding companies that dare to share their innovation programs with competitors in order to reach market dominance.

Matthew G. Kramer
Research Director
Ball Horticultural Company
“The membership card gives us the consultancy that we need to make the right decisions in the implementation of a variety of advanced technology approaches in our breeding programs”.

Join the KeyGene InnovatorsClub in accelerating your breeding processes, lower your costs and the development of new varieties.

Features KeyGene InnovatorsClub:

  • Biannual workshop
  • Consultancy
  • Discount on all research projects
  • Reduced development costs due to collaboration.
  • Web based secure knowledge exchange
  • Online open Innovation

For more information and to become a member, please contact:

Niclaudi Boons
Account Officer
KeyGene InnovatorsClub

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