KeyGene delivers sequence-based physical map of the tomato
genome to CBSG and international SOL Consortium
Interview with Marco van Schriek, team leader of KeyGene’s
Solanaceae group.
December 2009
Congratulations Marco, this is an achievement with a
successful collaboration. Could you tell us a little bit more
about it?
“About five years ago, a public initiative started, the
International SOL Consortium, to sequence the genome of a
specific tomato line (Heinz 1706). The partners started with a
relatively small physical map. KeyGene got involved in January
2009 and used the Whole Genome Profiling (WGP) technology to
help the Consortium to physically map the tomato genome more
accurately. This sequence-based physical map will be used as the
scaffold to produce a superior tomato genome assembly. This will
be finished at the end of 2009. The sequence will be publicly
available for everyone interested.”
What kind of applications does this physical map and the
genome sequence of tomato offer?
“The knowledge of the tomato genome is very valuable to plant
breeders. It provides deeper knowledge on the genetic basis of
its traits of interest, and can thereby give a competitive
advantage. Breeders can take advantage of the candidate gene
approach: if you know what genetic region is involved in a
certain trait, you can look at the genes that are present in
that region, what their functions could be and then you can make
a prediction on what genes might be good candidates for your
trait of interest. Of course, these predictions must be
validated and tested afterwards.”
you tell me a bit more about the International SOL Consortium?
“The International Tomato Genome Sequencing Project aims to
sequence the gene-rich euchromatic portions of the twelve tomato
chromosomes. An international consortium of sequencing centers
in 12 countries is performing most of the genomic sequencing. In
each country, several research institutes work together to map
that chromosome. In the Netherlands that is the Centre for
BioSystems Genomics (CBSG). KeyGene and Wageningen UR are both
part of CBSG. This is now further expanded with the whole genome
sequence based physical map and random shotgun sequences to
speed up the first draft genome sequence of tomato.”
KeyGene as part of the sequencing consortium.
“For KeyGene, co-operation and entering partnerships is key. We
believe that that results in the best products. We are open to
co-operate with future genome sequencing consortia and can bring
our own partners in order to deliver a higher quality genome.”
What is so unique about the Whole Genome Profiling
“The traditional way of making a physical map of a genome uses a
limited number of markers of which the sequence is often not
known. Our proprietary Whole Genome Profiling technology uses
hundreds of thousands of markers, and the sequence of each of
those markers is known. That is why it can optimally be used
together with next generation sequencing technologies, such as
random shotgun sequencing. The physical map is the linking pin
to map the sequence of the whole genome. The result is a very
accurate sequence based physical map of an organism, in this
case tomato, which can easily be linked to whole genome sequence
What kind of applications does this technology offer to other
Genome Profiling can be the linking pin to any genome sequencing
project of any organism; plants and animals alike. We can help
many companies and consortia to speed up and increase accuracy
in obtaining their genome sequence. We also used our WGP
technology to make a physical genome map of potato. And of
course we work for specific clients on other crops, but that
part is confidential.”
What will be the next steps for KeyGene with tomato?
“We are currently improving several traits of tomato, such as
taste and other quality traits and we will keep doing this for
the next years. Other topics of interest are traits such as
stress and drought tolerance. We see that these are becoming
important traits in crops. And on the longer term, who knows…”
Click to view the brochure
"Whole Genome Profiling"