August 09
Field trials in
the US show that enhancing the attractiveness of maize roots to
insect-killing nematodes can effectively fend off Western corn
July 09
Global rice
research community provides critical tools to unravel the
diversity of rice
September 08
discovered for longer plant life - Max Planck Institute
molecular biologists discover how the growth of leaves and the
aging process of plants are coordinated
July 08
What to do with the
“one-billion-dollar-bug”? Plant sciences and pest control are
back on the radar of public interest - Green gene technology
plays an important role in this process
March 08
Kleine Helfer im
Genom koordinieren die Pflanzenabwehr -
Max-Planck-Wissenschaftler heben den auf kleinen RNAs
verborgenen "Wortschatz", der die Abwehr von Pflanzen gegen
Schädlinge dirigiert
July 07
Rapid evolution of
defense genes in plants may produce hybrid incompatibility
April 07
veränderte Kartoffeln auf den Freilandflächen des
Max-Planck-Instituts für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie
Max-Planck-Wissenschaftler bestätigen, dass nur Mutterpflanzen
verändertes Erbgut in Chloroplasten weitergeben
Determining the
transgene containment level provided by chloroplast
Wege aus der
Energiekrise: Pflanzen mit mehr Biomasse
November 06
Insights from the
genome of the biotrophic fungal plant pathogen Ustialgo maydis
- Wielding the subtle weapons of a fungus
- Mit den subtilen
Waffen eines Pilzes
July 06
Volatiles modulate the
development of plant pathogenic rust fungi: New plant protection agents
against rust fungus diseases?
April 06
Eavesdropping on volatile
compounds released by herbivore-attacked plants - Max Planck researchers
have started to decipher the plants' vocabulary with the aid of “green
gene technology”
One gene regulates the
chemical cry for help by infested maize plants to attract beneficial
March 06
Tastier tomatoes in the
future? German-Israeli research team discovers DNA fragments in wild
tomatoes which could allow the development of better cultured tomatoes
Novel approach integrates
fruit and whole plant analysis in tomato
February 06
Lauschangriff auf
freiem Feld: Max-Planck-Wissenschaftler haben begonnen, das chemische
Vokabular zwischen Pflanzen auch mit Hilfe der grünen Gentechnik zu
Spying in the fields: Using genetic
engineering, researchers at the Max Planck Institute have started to
decipher the chemical vocabulary of inter-plant communication
January 06
New possibilities to
fight pests with biological means
November 05
Plants have a double
line of defence against fungal parasites
September 05
How many genes
influence plant growth?
August 05
Max-Planck-Forscher entschlüsseln genetische Grundlagen der
Frosttoleranz von Pflanzen
Long sought-after
flowering signal found
Lang gesuchter
Signalgeber für die Blütenbildung gefunden
Stärke-Regulator in
Pflanzen entdeckt
February 05
Bayer CropScience, Max
Planck Society, Monsanto Company resolve agrobacterium patent dispute
Bayer CropScience,
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft und Monsanto beenden Patentauseinandersetzung
über Agrobacterium
January 05
Scientists find common
roots for thousands of plant compounds
October 04
Perlegen Sciences, Max
Planck Institute for Developmental Biology, and Salk Institute for
Biological Studies to collaborate on Arabidopsis DNA variation study
Monsanto wins key patent
dispute regarding dicot plant transformation
August 04
Max Planck Society
researcher unravel mechanism of resistance to fungal infection in barley
June 04
Two bioinformatics
scientists awarded the Max Planck Research Prize for International
Ende von Koexistenz und Toleranz? Golmer
des Max-Planck-Institutes
February 04
Molecular mechanisms that trigger
flowering in the spring: scientists
at the Max Planck Institute and Hebrew University illuminate
process in control of flowering in plants