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July 16, 2024

Digging for answers on soil

Day or night, corn is working hard to build yield - AgriGold agronomists explore what happens in the corn field 24 hours a day

July 15, 2024

Désherbage difficile, pensez aux orges Hyvido de Syngenta dans la rotation - Le pouvoir couvrant des orges hybrides Hyvido réduit la pression des adventices

Naktuinbouw introduces new real-time PCR test for plant material for horticultural crops

Companion cropping: innovatie onderzaai bij aardappelen - Praktijkervaring voor verbetering van de bodem en aardappelteelt

United Kingdom - Oilseed rape planning “essential” to unlocking crop potential as drilling approaches

Novag - Le semoir T-ForcePlus 250 pour les petites exploitations (Réussir)

What new products and innovations are shaping the landscape of seed treatment? (AgroNews)

July 12, 2024

Using drones for crop protection applications

Properly curing hay is crucial for forage quality

July 11, 2024

New one-step method to make multiple edits to a cell’s genome

A miniature alternative to Cas9 and Cas12: Transposon-associated TnpB mediates targeted genome editing in plants (Plant Biotechnology Journal)

How to ensure your farming business keeps pace with a changing climate
Hoe je je boerenbedrijf laat meebewegen in een veranderend klimaat

July 10, 2024

Pumpkin disease not evolving, could make a difference for management

Nieuwe groene combinatie tegen schimmel in aardbei

Not so simple: mosses and ferns offer new hope for crop protection

Tomato triumph: genetic key to chill-proof crops unveiled

USA - Syngenta rolls out upgraded resource for crop protection and disease scouting

July 9, 2024

High-throughput soybean pods high-quality segmentation and seed-per-pod estimation for soybean plant breeding (ScienceDirect)

Custom seed blends from Bamert Seed, essential for effective reclamation projects

Protect against a nitrogen deficiency in corn - Be on guard, but don’t jump to conclusions about nitrogen loss, advises LG Seeds agronomist

July 8, 2024

Tomato timekeeper: NF-YA3b gene's role in flowering time revealed

Grazing cover crops benefits soil health in dryland systems

July 5, 2024

Australia - Deep tillage investment helps faba bean expansion

Lasers, ‘pirate bugs’ and bacteria help protect crops - Scientists are finding new ways to tackle pests and boost crop yields, without resorting to the use of harmful chemical (Nature)

Genomic investigation of 18,421 lines reveals the genetic architecture of rice (Science)

Distel in Reinsaat: Diese Pflanze bringt Geld und lockert den Boden (Agrar Heute)

Wasserrübenvergilbungsvirus oder TuYV – Situation im Schweizer Rapsanbau

July 4, 2024

Researchers decipher transcriptional regulatory network of wheat endosperm development for breeding improvements

Unlocking broccoli's genome: key to enhanced health benefits

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