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July 8, 2024

Tomato timekeeper: NF-YA3b gene's role in flowering time revealed

June 26, 2024

UC Davis Professor Diane Beckles examines how early harvest, storage affect tomatoes - Findings could help reduce postharvest loss and waste

June 12, 2024

Controlling bacterial wilt in tomato in Taiwan with hybrid eggplant rootstocks

A natural variation in SlSCaBP8 promoter contributes to the loss of saline–alkaline tolerance during tomato improvement (Horticulture Research)

May 31, 2024

Precise gene editing in rice and tomatoes using a tiny enzyme (Natural Science News)

May 29, 2024

Cultiver avec le virus ToBRFV, une nouvelle réalité : Minimiser la propagation du virus après sa détection

April 29, 2024

'Vertrauen auf jeder Ebene': Vegetables by Bayer startet das Online ToBRFV Wissenszentrum

April 26, 2024

Machine-harvestable tomatoes available from University of Florida's IFAS - Growers hope cultivars can help lower labor cost

April 18, 2024

Anbauen mit ToBRFV: Eine neue Realität #1 - Frühzeitige Erkennung und Verfolgung des Eintrittspunkts des Virus

March 25, 2024

ToBRFV : Détection précoce et repérage du point d'entrée du virus

March 22, 2024

Produire avec le virus ToBRFV : une nouvelle réalité (article #1)

March 21, 2024

L'importanza del portainnesto nel pomodoro

February 28, 2024

Scientists discover why ripe fruit is more susceptible to necrotrophic pathogens than unripe fruit

January 25, 2024

Revolutionizing solanaceae breeding: Integrating genomic selection and machine learning for enhanced trait predictability

November 10, 2023

Lavados con agua electroactivada, los tomates duran más

October 23, 2023

Científicos chilenos avanzan en el desarrollo de cultivos de kiwi y tomate editados resistentes a la salinidad y sequía

October 13, 2023

Harvest robot that hoovers up tomatoes will scale up (Hortidaily)

October 4, 2023

Nos recherches sur l’impact du porte-greffe et du ToBRFV - "La vigueur et l'endurance du porte-greffe sont des outils importants contre le ToBRFV"

September 27, 2023

Expert support for first-time tomato grower

September 14, 2023

Six tips to help prevent the spread of ToBRFV in greenhouses

September 7, 2023

Water-smart greenhouses in Uzbekistan - Simple yet innovative farming technologies and techniques save natural resources while increasing incomes

August 9, 2023

Syngenta e Four Growers: la raccolta robotizzata del pomodoro - Syngenta e Four Growers sviluppano insieme un protocollo per la raccolta robotizzata del pomodoro (OmniTrattore)

July 27, 2023

New method available for SE-RT-qPCR detection of Tomato mottle mosaic virus (ToMMV) in tomato and pepper seeds
Nouvelle méthode pour la détection par SE-RT-qPCR de ToMMV sur semences de tomate et piment

July 14, 2023

Efficient seed extraction in organic tomato cultivation
Effizientere Saatgutgewinnung im biologischen Tomatenanbau
Production de semences efficace dans la culture biologique des tomates
Efficiënte zaadextractie in de biologische tomatenteelt

July 10, 2023

From ground-hugging to groundbreaking: How a unique tomato mutation could transform sustainable agriculture

June 27, 2023

Researchers develop system recognizing tomato leaf diseases (Tomato News)

June 20, 2023

A mathematical model to select the tomatoes’ varieties of tomorrow

Study: Genetically editing tomatoes increases their anti-inflammatory activities (Tomato News)

May 31, 2023

New University of Kentucky Plant Pathology Extension publication: Bacterial canker of tomato

May 24, 2023

Comparative Analysis of the Expression Profiles of Pathogenesis-Related Genes in Tomato Systemically Infected with Tobacco Mosaic and Cucumber Mosaic Viruses (International Journal of Plant Biology)











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