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March 10, 2025

Blocking the scissors: UC Davis' new genetic tool makes grain breeding faster - Wheat and triticale is still short, but not small

May 14, 2024

Small grains offer options for water-strapped growers - Research seeks varieties to beat stress, boost yield, improve quality

August 17, 2022

Graspflanzensilage aus Triticale - eine gute Idee?!

May 30, 2022

Triticale als Alternative zum Stoppelweizen

October 24, 2019

Ruim 150 ton veldbonen met triticale getoast (Bio Journaal)

September 22, 2016

Super-fast breeding system developped at the University of Western Australia to double breeding efficiency in cereal crops

August 23, 2016

Un nouveau dossier technique céréales immatures à télécharger sur le site de Caussade Semences

June 1, 2015

United Kingdom - Redigo Pro, a new seed treatment from Bayer CropScience

August 13, 2014

Der aktualisierte Sortenvergleich jetzt online - einfach, neutral, schnell und kostenlos

June 13, 2014

Triticale offers grazing benefits, options

February 24, 2014

Canada - Syngenta delivers improved convenience for cereal and pulse growers with registration of Cruiser 5FS Seed Treatment for on-farm use

August 18, 2013

Crop of the week: triticale (Yuma Sun)

July 26, 2013

Study of Fusarium langsethiae infection in United Kingdom cereals (HGCA Student Report 23)

Embrapa recomenda adoção de ações emergenciais contra a mais nova praga das lavouras de milho

June 28, 2013

Potassium helps protect against cereal killers

April 29, 2013

USA - Syngenta reminds spring wheat growers to remain proactive, even as Northern Plains weather delays planting

April 15, 2013

Wie wende ich Wachstumsregler richtig an?

December 3, 2012

HGCA Recommended Lists 2013/14

November 26, 2012

When something works, change it: resistance management in cereals - Extending the range of available herbicides to combat weed resistance in wheat and barley

October 15, 2012

Pflanzenschutzmaßnahmen im Getreide (Proplanta)

September 7, 2012

Research unlocks secrets to overcoming root disease

September 4, 2012

Winter cereals an alternative silage source

Deutschland - Sortenwahl bei Winterroggen und Wintertriticale in Sachsen (Proplanta)

May 21, 2012

University of Sydney Plant Breeding Institute releases 2012 leader table for rust responses by variety

April 26, 2012

Root health rivals: disease pathogens and soil-inhabiting insects in cereals

February 14, 2012

Australian growers welcome new herbicide Sakura from Bayer CropScience (Stock & Land)

December 29, 2011

France - Vibrance Gold, à base de sedaxane, nouvelle génération de Sdhi de Syngenta, protège les semences de céréales des maladies (Terre-net)

November 28, 2011

GRDC's Stored grain pests identification Back Pocket Guide will help prevent pest pitfalls

September 29, 2011

Culture des céréales en France: environ 500.000 hectares gérés par satellite (Le Parisien)

September 28, 2011

New advice at hand on yellow spot, the damaging cereal disease


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