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July 4, 2024

Unlocking broccoli's genome: key to enhanced health benefits

May 23, 2024

University of Florida scientists finding new way to keep broccoli – and perhaps other vegetables — fresher, longer

August 30, 2023

Melhoramento permite cultivo de brócolis em regiões de clima quente e úmido

May 30, 2023

Black rot seed disinfection is now available

December 16, 2022

Saiba mais sobre o manejo nutricional de brócolis

December 8, 2021

RoboVeg unveils autonomous broccoli harvester (World Agritech)

November 15, 2021

Fighting food waste: Researchers identify broccoli genes that affect freshness

November 12, 2021

New resource from the Organic Seed Alliance: A guide for growing purple sprouting broccoli in the U.S. Pacific Northwest

April 13, 2021

Como identificar pragas em brócolis e couve-flor

November 9, 2020

New study defines life cycle of a destructive plant pathogen, Plasmodiophora brassicae, 142 years after its discovery

June 10, 2020

Pollen viability and development in brassicaceae

May 8, 2020

A method for obtaining flexible broccoli varieties for sustainable agriculture (BMC Genetics)

July 23, 2019

Garlic on broccoli: a smelly approach to pepel a major pest - New University of Vermont study offers a novel framework to test strategies for managing invasive pests

February 19, 2018

University of Plymouth scientists develop harvesting robots that could revolutionise farming practices

October 13, 2017

Like it or not: Broccoli may be good for the gut

September 15, 2017

Predicting broccoli head maturity

September 5, 2017

Oxitec's innovative solution to tackle growing diamondback moth pest issue begins field trials

May 8, 2017

Experts produce IPM brassica brochure  

April 24, 2017

Técnicas de análisis masivo para el estudio de factores de resistencia a enfermedades en cultivos de brásicas (Interempresas)

April 19, 2017

Growing tips for Sakata Vegetables’ ‘Aspabroc’ broccolini (Greenhouse Grower)

February 21, 2017

John Innes Centre scientists remove reliance on seasonality in new line of broccoli – potentially doubling crop production

December 14, 2016

Sistema Plantio Direto em Hortaliças é apresentado a produtores de brócolis do sul de MG

July 28, 2016

Robots are emerging as agricultural co-workers - The technology is mature and ready for the field, say experts

July 6, 2016

United Kingdom - Syngenta Brassica Alert texts time for disease treatment

June 26, 2016

Broccoli compounds may help combat chronic diseases

June 10, 2016

Bacillus thuringiensis como tática de controle da traça-das-crucíferas em brócolis (Campo & Negócios)

June 3, 2016

Genetic basis for broccoli maturity timing identified (Horticulture Week)

June 2, 2016

Variation in vernalization gene could help us breed more climate resilient brassicas

May 12, 2016

New integrative data portal for brilliant brassicas

March 14, 2016

Broccoli ingredient has positive influence on drug efficacy
Broccoli-Inhaltsstoff beeinflusst Medikamentenwirkung positiv











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