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March 25, 2024

Maize genes control little helpers in the soil - An international team of researchers discovers how microbes boost root growth
Maisgene kontrollieren winzige Helfer im Boden - Internationales Forschungsteam findet heraus, wie Mikroben das Wurzelwachstum ankurbeln

An ARF gene mutation creates flint kernel architecture in dent maize (Nature)

March 20, 2024

Mais-Anbau kurz und bündig - Bodentemperatur, pH-Wert, Saatbettbereitung – worauf sollte beim Mais-Anbau geachtet werden?

March 15, 2024

[Guia completo] Rotação de culturas: entenda os benefícios

March 13, 2024

Cómo reducir el impacto de la chicharrita del maíz

March 7, 2024

Cómo enfrentar las infestaciones de cigarritas en maíz

March 5, 2024

Nutribio N – Mit Bakterien die Stickstoffversorgung im Mais verbessern

March 4, 2024

5 tips van onze technisch specialist voor een optimale maïsteelt

March 1, 2024

5 estrategias para controlar las chinches en maíz

Ertrag steigern mit dem Saatgutbedarfsrechner für Mais des Deutschen Maiskomitees

February 12, 2024

CRISPR/Cas12a-mediated entropy-driven electrochemical biosensor for detection of genetically modified maize Mon810 (Analytice Chimica Acta)

January 31, 2024

Mischanbau von Mais und Stangenbohnen: Große Umweltvorteile, Förderung lohnt sich

January 12, 2024

Genomic prediction in multi-environment trials in maize using statistical and machine learning methods (Nature)

December 13, 2023

University of Nebraska releases web-based nitrogen management tool for corn growers

Three key practices to tackle corn rootworm - Integrated approach controls pests and protects yields

December 7, 2023

Gutwein Seed Services partners with Streamline Ag to introduce revolutionary TuneUp+ system for advanced biological suppression of corn rootworm and soybean cyst nematode

December 4, 2023

How important is seed selection in managing tar spot?

November 17, 2023

CABI study unearths important lessons for the fight against fall armyworm

November 14, 2023

LG Seeds agronomists’ takeaways after a challenging season - 2023 emphasized the value of spreading risk with seed choices

November 1, 2023

Webinar Mais Mischanbau

October 30, 2023

If you want strong test weights, choose hybrids wisely - Many factors drive test weights, but hybrid selection is the biggest, says LG Seeds agronomist

October 23, 2023

Microbial allies may help turn the tables on tar spot fungus in corn

October 4, 2023

Boosting maize output

September 28, 2023

DMK-Körnermaisrechner zur Berechnung der Trockenmasse

September 27, 2023

Tar spot is lurking. Are you protected? Choose tolerant hybrids, monitor the environment and have a plan if lesions appear 

September 8, 2023

Corn can benefit from managed cover crops

August 29, 2023

La importancia del zinc en el cultivo del maíz

August 16, 2023

Identifying and treating tar spot

August 4, 2023

Does it pay to treat fall armyworm?

July 27, 2023

Bayer offers multiple modes of action against corn rootworm

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