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April 8, 2022
North Dakota State University Extension offers soybean plant growth and management resource - The revised publication is helpful resource for farmers and crop advisers
March 23, 2022
Soybean seed quality considerations to maximize seed performance (Farmers Advance)
Greenhouse study confirms flood-tolerant varieties of soy - Researchers use carbon dioxide in a hydroponic system to quickly and accurately determine how soy varieties fare in oxygen-deprived environment
March 22, 2022
Igrowth, the world's first commercial herbicide-tolerant technology for sorghum, from Advanta Seeds, proves to be a very effective weed control technology
February 24, 2022
Being near pollinator habitat boosts soybean size
February 21, 2022
Variable rate seeding can impact yield (AgriNews)
February 15, 2022
Boosten Sie ihre Soja!
February 11, 2022
Soybean cyst nematode and seed treatments (Ohio's Country Journal)
February 2, 2022
Tecnologia emite alertas do avanço de doenças do algodão e da soja
January 26, 2022
Embrapa e Abapa lançam tecnologia que envia alertas do avanço de doenças da soja e do algodão
Soja: las claves para un buen monitoreo de las enfermedades
December 16, 2021
Research continues to uncover ways to combat sudden death syndrome in soybeans - Kansas State University plant pathologist outlines effective management practices
December 2, 2021
Eight tips to follow for variable-rate seeding in soybeans (Successful Farming)
Evaluate this season’s tar spot pressure, soil pH and yield data to prepare for the 2022 corn and soybean season - Golden Harvest agronomists offer post-harvest management recommendations to help farmers select corn hybrids and soybean varieties and plan for next year
November 18, 2021
Soybean pests won’t know what hit them - Ridgeback insecticide from Corteva Agriscience delivers both trusted and novel control
November 17, 2021
Las claves para que la soja arranque bien protegida
Rotate SCN-resistant seed varieties for optimal protection (Morning AgClips)
November 15, 2021
Inoculación en cultivos agrícolas: Como sacar mejor ventaja de la práctica más rentable de la agricultura moderna
October 29, 2021
Seed selection can help manage diseases next year
October 22, 2021
Evolução e cenário atual do tratamento de sementes de sojas com fungicidas no Brasil
How do orange peels influence soybean growth?
October 20, 2021
SCN-resistant soybean varieties for Iowa in 2022
October 11, 2021
Improving soybeans reduces the cost to farmers and the environment
October 5, 2021
NRGene launches new off-the-shelf soy genotyping solution
September 30, 2021
U.S. soybean, corn yields could be increased through use of machine learning
Soybean Research and Information Network (Ohio's Country Journal)
August 27, 2021
Argentina - Soja: un tratamiento totalmente biológico de semillas es la gran novedad de la campaña - Rizobacter propone una alternativa que combina inoculación y control biológico (InfoCampo)
August 16, 2021
Agro startup Dioxd achieves extra 12 percent in production using carbon dioxide
Drought effect on pod fill in soybeans
July 26, 2021
New seed treatment raises bar on insect protection (Iowa Farm Bureau)
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Solutions > Soybeans