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August 23, 2024

Diversificar culturas na sucessão entre milho e soja aumenta lucro do produtor em até 11%

August 21, 2024

Breakthrough research discovery opens new doors in soybean cyst nematode (SCN) management

August 6, 2024

Como controlar de forma eficiente as plantas daninhas? Identificar plantas daninhas na soja é um processo essencial

July 26, 2024

Adubação para soja: dicas e melhores práticas para o solo

July 16, 2024

New online agriculture course grows skills in identifying corn, soybean field insects

July 9, 2024

High-throughput soybean pods high-quality segmentation and seed-per-pod estimation for soybean plant breeding (ScienceDirect)

July 3, 2024

Soybean seed hardness demystified: key genes and networks uncovered

July 2, 2024

Can soybeans be grown in a protected environment?
Kunnen sojabonen in een beschermde omgeving worden geteeld?

June 28, 2024

Kansas State University: Phosphorus helps boost defense against sudden death syndrome in soybeans - University’s study may provide another defense against fungal disease

June 26, 2024

Tips for double-crop soybeans

June 12, 2024

Soja als Zweitfrucht - Der Klimawandel macht es möglich Soja als Zweitfrucht nach frühräumenden Wintergetreidekulturen wie Wintergerste anzubauen

May 29, 2024

Lohnt sich Soja als Zweitfrucht?

May 20, 2024

Gene editing improves soybean yield (China Daily)

May 16, 2024

Verbesserungspotenzial bei Sojabohne durch Inokulierung

April 30, 2024

Rhizobien im Sojaanbau

April 29, 2024

Classification of soybean groups for grain yield and industrial traits using Vnir-Swir spectroscopy (Infrared Physics & Technology)

April 2, 2024

University of Tennessee Extension Specialist offers insight into increasing soybean yield with earlier planting dates - Research could improve profitability for producers

March 20, 2024

Welche Saattechnik passt für die Sojabohne? Bei der Frage nach der besten Saattechnik für die Sojabohne herrscht auch unter Fachleuten Uneinigkeit

March 18, 2024

Strategies for success: Planting soybeans early - Get tips to unlock the full potential for planting soybeans early

March 15, 2024

Estratégias para o plantio de soja e uma colheita promissora 

March 7, 2024

Desafíos y Estrategias para el Control de la Mosca Blanca en Soja

Les guides Terres Inovia de culture tournesol et soja 2024 sont disponibles

March 1, 2024

Why buy premium soybean inoculant?

February 28, 2024

2023 PAR (Product & Agronomy Research) Report: Soybean rolling to stimulate branching for increased yield

Management technique shows promise against emerging soybean pest

February 15, 2024

2023 PAR (Product & Agronomy Research) Report: Soybean seed treatment options for white mold

January 23, 2024

Avances prometedores en el control de malezas y rendimiento en la producción de soja

December 7, 2023

Gutwein Seed Services partners with Streamline Ag to introduce revolutionary TuneUp+ system for advanced biological suppression of corn rootworm and soybean cyst nematode

November 30, 2023

Peroxidase gene confers drought tolerance in soybean

November 17, 2023

Managing sudden death syndrome in soybeans 


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