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June 16, 2022

Ireland - 3 key varietal attributes to look for when choosing which varieties and crops to sow this autumn

May 2, 2022

Can companion crops cut spring barley’s carbon footprint?

April 25, 2022

Une céréale génétiquement modifiée pour mieux capter l’azote de l’air (Le Monde)

Engineered plant control of associative nitrogen fixation (PNAS)

March 30, 2022

United Kingdom - Syngenta's Axial Pro is a key tool for wild oat control in spring barley

February 14, 2022

Understanding how agronomic features and end markets will influence spring barley variety choice in England and in Scotland

February 9, 2022

Check soil temperature for even better fertiliser use efficiency in hybrid barley

February 8, 2022

10 top tips for ensuring high spring barley yields

January 19, 2022

Maximise spring barley establishment and rooting with seed treatment

January 5, 2022

Genetic solution in the works to maintain high barley yields

December 1, 2021

Resolute scientific work could eliminate wheat disease within 40 years

November 30, 2021

Maximise spring barley yield and quality with seed treatment

November 29, 2021

Early spring bBarley drilling in England

October 8, 2021

Australia - Optimising weed control in barley with Bayer's Mateno Complete; guidelines for the best results

August 27, 2021

Rare barley mutation with potential - Universities of Bonn and Bologna decipher cause of roots growing straight downwards
Seltene Gersten-Mutation mit Potenzial - Universitäten Bonn und Bologna entschlüsseln Ursache für kerzengerade nach unten wachsende Wurzeln

August 18, 2021

Unsere Praxistipps zum Wintergerstenanbau 2021

August 12, 2021

Hybridgerste unterdrückt Ackerfuchsschwanz

August 5, 2021

Gelbverzwergungsvirus in der Wintergerste - Sortentoleranz als Maßnahme gegen eine Krankheit mit gravierenden Folgen

May 25, 2021

Australian grain growers can now tackle sucking pests with Versys advanced aphicide

April 30, 2021

United Kingdom - Managing T1 & T2 winter malting barley applications

United Kingdom - Wheat and hybrid barley agronomy insights for right now

March 17, 2021

Neue Methode zur Genom-Assemblierung bei Gerste bringt hervorragende Ergebnisse

February 19, 2021

United Kingdom - Cover destruction to open up spring barley options

January 14, 2021

The best start for spring barley in Scotland

November 26, 2020

The barley pan-genome reveals the hidden legacy of mutation breeding (Nature)

September 15, 2020

Ireland - Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) reduction…delayed drilling and tolerant varieties (AgriLand)

September 7, 2020

Reduce herbicide use by choosing the right hybrid barley (The Scottish Farmer)

May 22, 2020

United Kingdom - Syngenta's new seed treatment option for barley shown to boost root growth and yield

May 5, 2020

Winterroggen gesund erhalten - Diese Empfehlung steht unter den Vorzeichen der in vielen Teilen Österreichs herrschenden Trockenheit

April 6, 2020

Ireland - Root growth essential to reach potential yields (AgriLand)

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