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August 30, 2024

Management matters when protecting your stored oilseeds

August 28, 2024

Bringing new pod-shatter resistant canola to market

Aussaat-Technik - Raps in Einzelkornsaat: Das sind die Vorteile für die Ackerkultur (Agrar heute)

August 14, 2024

United Kingdom - Oilseed rape monitoring network strengthened to help predict cabbage stem flea beetle migration

August 12, 2024

Blick ins Feld. Strategie zur Rapsaussaat

August 8, 2024

Keeping on top of the club root threat

July 15, 2024

United Kingdom - Oilseed rape planning “essential” to unlocking crop potential as drilling approaches

July 5, 2024

Wasserrübenvergilbungsvirus oder TuYV – Situation im Schweizer Rapsanbau

July 1, 2024

Top grower techniques for minimising OSR risks

May 13, 2024

Ravageurs d’automne du colza : les stratégies testées à l’échelle de la parcelle et du paysage

May 1, 2024

7 tips til valg af rapssort

April 22, 2024

The optics of pest insect invasions - Light based sensors could provide early warning of pollen beetle infestation in oilseed rape

April 19, 2024

Does early drilled oilseed rape really get the best yield?

April 15, 2024

Boron deficiency: oilseed rape reacts as with infection and pest infestation - Genetic mechanisms uncovered
Bormangel: Raps reagiert wie bei Infektionen und Schädlingsbefall | Genetische Mechanismen aufgedeckt

March 19, 2024

Unlock your canola potential while avoiding establishment losses

March 4, 2024

France - Ravageurs du colza : les leviers alternatifs au phosmet dans la web-série "Les pieds dans les champs"

February 13, 2024

Companion plants reduce cabbage stem flea beetle damage on oilseed rape - Nature-friendly approaches could help control persistent pest

January 25, 2024

Writing the rule book for canola establishment

January 15, 2024

Is there a biological solution to oilseed rape’s cabbage stem flea beetle woes?

November 27, 2023

Segmentation and phenotype calculation of rapeseed pods based on YOLO v8 and Mask R-convolution neural networks (PubMed)

October 3, 2023

Australia - Innovations around sowing time are transforming farming practices in ways that make yields more stable and cropping more adaptable to varying climate conditions

August 24, 2023

Les indispensables conseils pour mener le colza à sa réussite (Le Sillon Belge)

August 17, 2023

Raps braucht ein feinkrümeliges, abgesetztes Saatbett (Proplanta)

August 14, 2023

Rapsanbau 2023 – 8 wichtige Fakten

August 8, 2023

Maximizing farmer benefits with new agronomic practices: Rapeseed’s versatility and beneficial plant associations

July 18, 2023

Raps – wann ist der richtige Erntezeitpunkt?

July 13, 2023

Timely canola production decisions key to successful crop - Informational meetings to be held Aug. 9 in Kansas, Oklahoma 

July 11, 2023

Rapsbegleitsaat - Ein effizienter Einsatz von Betriebsmitteln war schon immer gefragt und ist zurzeit noch maßgebender für einen wirtschaftlichen Erfolg

June 23, 2023

Multiple factors drive successful open-pollinated canola establishment

June 19, 2023

Colza : « J’associe lignées et hybrides dans mes mélanges de variétés pour réduire mes coûts de semis » (Reussir)


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