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October 15, 2012

Mystery of nematode pest-resistant soybeans cracked by Univeristy of Missouri scientists - Gene related to soybeans' resistance to nematodes also correlates with human diseases

Strengthening a billion-dollar gene in soybeans

October 8, 2012

Tecnologia de identificação de pragas da BASF ganha três novos módulos

Second edition of Iowa State University's Soybean Cyst Nematode Field Guide available

September 19, 2012

Syngenta to acquire Pasteuria Bioscience
Syngenta erwirbt Pasteuria Bioscience
Syngenta va acquérir Pasteuria Bioscience

September 7, 2012

Research unlocks secrets to overcoming root disease

September 4, 2012

USA - Summer heat not the only problem this season: soybean cyst nematodes

September 1, 2012

Queensland, Australia - Test for nematodes in summer crops and reap rewards

July 26, 2012

Newly found genes may lead to nematode-resistant upland cotton
Genes nuevamente descubiertos podrían llevar al algodón de altura que puede resistir los nematodos

July 13, 2012

A greener way to raise cotton and combat nematodes
Una manera más "verde" de producir el algodón y combatir los nematodos

July 12, 2012

SEIPASA ofrece soluciones para las plagas en la producción de pimiento

July 10, 2012

Iowa State University scientists discover how nematodes attacks plants

July 6, 2012

Biologische Nematodenbekämpfung bleibt aktuell

June 14, 2012

Looking below the surface

June 12, 2012

New approach to assessing possible nematode damage to corn

June 4, 2012

Stunted, yellowing or wilting corn: could nematodes be the cause?

May 31, 2012

$25K grant continues cotton nematode work at Mississippi State University

May 30, 2012

Estratégias de manejo dos nematoides serão apresentadas em evento na Bahia

May 11, 2012

New nematode-resistant wheat breeding lines now available from Agri-Science Queensland

April 19, 2012

Watch alfalfa fields for nematode damage; use resistant varieties (Farm & Ranch Guide)

April 6, 2012

Life without Temik: what’s next for peanut growers? (Southeast Farm Press)

March 27, 2012

EPAMIG, Embrapa Soja e Fundação Triângulo apresentam cultivares mais resistentes à ferrugem asiática e nematoide

March 5, 2012

Spring sampling not recommended for nematodes on corn – except for sandy fields

February 13, 2012

Effects of seed treatments and a soil-applied nematicide on Iowa corn yields and nematode population densities

January 2, 2012

Wageningen UR finds rootstock for cucumber, tomato and sweet pepper with high resistance against the most important root knot nematodes

December 1, 2011

Deutschland - Was leisten die neuen “Nematodensorten“?

November 29, 2011

Tall fescue helps protect peach trees from nematodes
La festuca alta ayuda a proteger los melocotoneros contra los nematodos

September 19, 2011

Comparing nematode management products on corn in strip trials

August 23, 2011

A better test for the potato cyst nematode
Una mejor prueba para identificar un nematodo que ataca las papas

August 14, 2011

Dave Duncan, of Pasteuria Bioscience, is on the cusp of another ag phenomenon: a solution to nematodes (The Gainsville Sun)

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