July 16, 2024
Was gilt es bei der Einlagerung von Saatgut zu berücksichtigen?
February 24, 2023
What storage conditions affect seed quality?
January 17, 2022
Lagertechnik schützt Saatgut vor Klimaschwankungen - Der Saatgutspezialist KWS investiert, wie es heißt, kräftig in den Ausbau und die Modernisierung der Produktion von Zuckerrüben-Saatgut am Standort Einbeck (MM Logistics)
October 23, 2020
Storage bags that reduce post-harvest seed losses (The Hindu)
November 25, 2019
Australia - Tips to maximise potential of seed retained after a tough year
September 9, 2019
Una idea innovadora para el NEA: refrigerar las semillas de soja - Almacenando las variedades en naves refrigeradas, la empresa Norclas logro conservar mejor su poder germinativo en ambientes en los que el estrés térmico es muy alto (Diario Clarín)
August 19, 2019
Malting barley requires care when drying, in storage
June 25, 2019
À l’occasion de leur Innoversaire, Saaten-Union et Asur Plant Breeding ont présenté le nouvel outil logistique qu’ils testent depuis 2015 : la mise sous vide des semences (Circuits Culture)
February 8, 2019
Medium-term seed storage of diverse genera of forage grasses, evidence-based genebank monitoring intervals, and regeneration standards (Springer Link)
February 23, 2018
Saatgut nicht nachlässig behandeln - Auf die Lagerung kommt es an
October 11, 2017
Putting “smart” beans to work in the bin - New technology from BeanIoT has game-changing potential for grain storage monitoring (Grainews)
May 23, 2016
ETH Zürich chemists develop a new coating method to protect seeds from being eaten by insects - In doing so, they have drawn inspiration from the humble peach and a few of its peers ETH-Chemiker entwickeln eine neue Beiz-Methode, um Saatgut vor gefrässigen Insekten zu schützen. Dazu kopierten sie das Abwehrsystem von Pfirsich und Co.
February 15, 2016
Australia - Protect your ‘planting’ seed this summer
November 13, 2015
Western Australia - Have you got a seed storage strategy in place?
August 14, 2015
Company eliminates pests from stored grain with ozone and reduce costs
July 12, 2015
Missouri, USA - Weather conditions prompt reminder for proper disposal, storage of treated seed (The Missouri Times)
January 16, 2015
Fitness-Check für überlagertes Saatgut - LIZ Keimtest-Service ab sofort
October 17, 2014
Wie lässt sich nicht verbrauchtes Saatgut bis zur nächsten Aussaat lagern? Sachgerechte Lagerung erhält die Keimfähigkeit
July 30, 2014
Saving seeds the right way can save the world's plants
July 15, 2014
Storing higher-oil canola (Grainews)
May 9, 2014
Seed drying for long-term storage (Millennium Seed Bank)
May 5, 2014
Storing canola through the summer? Storage experts recommend turning on aeration fans now to warm up stored canola to 5-10°C
April 28, 2014
Thailand - Green bean seed storage suggested to reduce quality problem (NNT)
March 21, 2014
Feuchtigkeit ist der Feind der Saatgutqualität - Saatgutüberlagerung ist ein Risiko
March 12, 2014
Avoid contaminating seed super boxes in handling (AG Professional)
February 27, 2014
Rijk Zwaan puts spotlight on head cabbage storage
October 29, 2013
Quality is everything is seed retention on the farm
October 15, 2013
Check all bins of stored canola
October 3, 2013
Canada - New web tool for identifying insects in stored grain launched Lancement d'un nouvel outil Web pour l'identification des insectes dans le grain entreposé
September 24, 2013
North Dakota, USA - Harvesting, drying, storing corn could be challenging
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