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Heat tolerance

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June 6, 2024

Re-imagining heat tolerance traits in wheat – part 2

January 4, 2024

Discovery raises hopes of more temperature tolerant wheat

September 26, 2023

Ancient plant protein could create climate-resilient crops (Forbes)

September 22, 2023

Tecnologie di Evoluzione Assistita (TEA): le nuove biotecnologie per un’agricoltura più sostenibile

July 20, 2023

‘Jumping genes’ help plants adapt to extreme temperature and pathogens - A cutting edge technique, called Direct RNA sequencing, shows that ‘jumping genes’ could be the key to help plants become more resilient

July 11, 2023

New research looks to pollen for plant heat stress resilience

July 7, 2023

A genetic tradeoff for tolerance to moderate and severe heat stress in US hybrid maize (PLOS Genetics)

June 30, 2023

Targeted mutagenesis by CRISPR improves grain quality and heat resilience in rice

May 17, 2023

Keys to help crops against extreme temperatures

April 4, 2023

New insights into engineering climate smart crops for future

March 3, 2023

Pangenomic analysis identifies structural variation associated with heat tolerance in pearl millet (Nature)

January 11, 2023

Ancient farming strategy holds promise for climate resilience

January 10, 2023

Exotic alleles contribute to heat tolerance in wheat under field conditions (Nature)

September 1, 2022

Smart farming - Fighting climate change with heat-tolerant plants
Smart Farming - Hitzetolerante Pflanzen gegen den Klimawandel

August 30, 2022

Climate proofing the carrot: Where flavor meets stress tolerance

July 29, 2022

United Kingdom - Beet gets relief from Quantis as heat rises again

June 17, 2022

Gene interaction that contributes to rice heat tolerance identified - Molecular pinpoint could lead to more heat resistant rice cultivation, researchers say

May 23, 2022

How do rootstocks help tomato growers under heat and drought?

March 30, 2022

Better breeding tools for future-proofing potatoes - Thanks to a collaboration between researchers across the world, potato breeders will now have a much better toolkit to develop new varieties best suited to their needs in a changing climate

March 11, 2022

Novel wheat varieties facilitate deep sowing to beat the heat of changing climates (Nature Climate Change)

March 3, 2022

Uni Wien mit Strategien zum Maisanbau bei Hitze und Trockenheit (Top Agrar)

March 1, 2022

Strategien zum Maisanbau bei Hitze und Trockenheit

January 11, 2022

5 ways gene editing is making crops climate-resilient

January 10, 2022

Readying wheat with climate resiliency

January 4, 2022

Feeling the heat: Steroid hormones contribute to the heat stress resistance of plants
Steroidhormone tragen zur Hitzestressresistenz von Pflanzen bei

November 12, 2021

La clave para que el arroz se adapte al cambio climático puede estar en su ADN

November 3, 2021

Researchers uncover “genetic goldmine” underlying plant resilience in extreme desert environment

October 27, 2021

Adapting crops for future climate conditions - A Texas A&M AgriLife study used artificial intelligence to project the genetic profile to which cultivars will need to adapt

October 19, 2021

Artigo mapeia avanços para criação de plantas mais resistentes à crise climática

August 11, 2021

New gene to make plants heat-tolerant in rising temperatures


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