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April 6, 2015

The importance of inoculants for corn silage 

March 27, 2015

Ontario, Canada - Soybean seed inoculation gains ground (Grainews)

Why nodulation fails - When nodules don’t form, yield will suffer. 
These recommendations could stop fixation failures (Grainews)

March 19, 2015

Sojaanbau: 10 Tipps damit die Impfung klappt (Agrar Heute)

Inoculant: Finding the right formulation - Liquid, peat or granular? Choose the best one for your fields (Grainews)

March 17, 2015

Seed inoculation gains ground - Soybean Guide: OMAFRA’s Horst Bohner now recommends always inoculating. “There are some real benefits” (Country Guide)

February 10, 2015

Mikrobe des Jahres 2015: Rhizobium - Kein Gemüse ohne Bakterien

February 7, 2015

Does double inoculation pay? Two forms of rhizobia deliver more beans on new-to-beans soils, but after that, not-so-much (The Western Producer)

December 19, 2014

Experiments with rhizobial inoculants in Hungarian soils (Zentralblatt für Mikrobiologie)
Experimente mit Rhizobium Impfstoff aus ungarischen Böden

December 12, 2014

BASF on the importance of coatings and inoculants (AgWired)

December 6, 2014

Field and greenhouse trials to study the effects of microbial inoculants on wheat performance

November 18, 2014

Lallemand Plant Care expands its soybean inoculant product portfolio

November 11, 2014

Verdesian Life Sciences announces new seed inoculant product for soybeans - Preside CL leads to increased yields by promoting nodule mass and nitrogen utilization

September 29, 2014

O inoculante para gramíneas

September 27, 2014

Farming soybeans - The benefits of inoculants (Advanced Biological Marketing)

September 10, 2014

BASF lança Lactosilo Gold: inoculante para silagens com nova composição - Produto incrementa a produtividade e oferece mais saúde para o rebanho

July 8, 2014

Preparing for corn silage harvest - Crop monitoring equipment prep and inoculant selection are keys to success

June 27, 2014

Pesquisa avalia prática alternativa para inoculação de sementes

May 6, 2014

Tecnologias para girassol, soja e feijão são destaques da Embrapa na Agrotins

April 24, 2014

Inoculant may be needed for peanut planting (Tidewater News)

April 23, 2014

Adequate rhizobia populations help protect soybean yields - Pioneer Premium Seed Treatment offering provides cost-effective protection

April 20, 2014

Superior symbiotic performance of native bradyrhizobia isolates over foreign inoculants with cowpea cultivars in India

April 17, 2014

Inoculant technology can improve leguminous plant out-put (Daily Trust)

April 15, 2014

Get fixated on nitrogen fixation

April 11, 2014

United Kingdom - New seed treatment available for cold-tolerant lucerne from Germinal Seeds

April 8, 2014

Tecnologia de coinoculação combina alto rendimento com sustentabilidade na produção de soja e do feijoeiro

April 5, 2014

Georgia, USA - Peanut inoculant considerations (AgFax)

April 3, 2014

Australia - Correct legume inoculation critical this winter

April 1, 2014

Inoculants help preserve feed quality all the way to the bunk - Inoculant value calculator quantifies feed savings

March 25, 2014

Inoculants help preserve feed quality all the way to the bunk - DuPont Pioneer's Inoculant value calculator quantifies feed savings

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