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September 5, 2024

Découverte d’un gène d’immunité face à une maladie ravageant les cultures de riz et de blé

August 22, 2024

Genschere schaltet sich mit eingebauten Timer ab - Bonner Forschende klären Selbstregulierung der Immunantwort im Bakterien-Abwehrsystem CRISPR auf

August 13, 2024

Chinese scientists reveal novel mechanism of plant immunity against viruses

August 8, 2024

Unlocking the secrets of salt stress tolerance in wild tomatoes

Discovering how plants make life-and-death decisions

August 7, 2024

How plants become bushy, or not - New University of California, Davis study sheds light on hormone that controls branching

August 2, 2024

Devastating crop pathogens can be found by sequencing the air

August 1, 2024

Yeast-powered RNAi is the future of precision pest management, says Renaissance Bioscience (AFN)

July 30, 2024

MicroRNA study sets stage for crop improvements - Texas A&M researchers redefine our understanding of a key process in plant biology

July 26, 2024

Fight against cereal rusts enters a new era

July 23, 2024

Next generation biosensor reveals gibberellin’s critical role in legume nitrogen-fixation – paving the way for more productive legume crops and self-fertilizing cereals

July 18, 2024

Seeds with and without pericarps adopt distinct germination strategies

July 17, 2024

New research plants the seed to grow food crops with sea water - Budding new plant biology research is paving the potential to produce food crops that not only survive but thrive in salty conditions

July 10, 2024

Not so simple: mosses and ferns offer new hope for crop protection

Tomato triumph: genetic key to chill-proof crops unveiled

July 8, 2024

Tomato timekeeper: NF-YA3b gene's role in flowering time revealed

July 5, 2024

Genomic investigation of 18,421 lines reveals the genetic architecture of rice (Science)

July 4, 2024

Researchers decipher transcriptional regulatory network of wheat endosperm development for breeding improvements

Unlocking broccoli's genome: key to enhanced health benefits

July 3, 2024

Soybean seed hardness demystified: key genes and networks uncovered

Cutting down on seeds: innovative watermelon breeding techniques revealed

July 2, 2024

Can soybeans be grown in a protected environment?
Kunnen sojabonen in een beschermde omgeving worden geteeld?

June 28, 2024

Stopping Ascochyta might be a case of fooling the messenger

June 26, 2024

UC Davis Professor Diane Beckles examines how early harvest, storage affect tomatoes - Findings could help reduce postharvest loss and waste

Scientists discover genetic ‘off switch’ in legume plants that limits biological ability to source nutrients - The discovery of a new genetic regulator in legumes could be key to understanding how to increase the crop’s capacity to convert nitrogen from the air and improve soil quality

June 25, 2024

Simplify Science: Interpretable machine learning decodes soil microbiome’s response to drought stress

June 21, 2024

3D druckbares Zuckerrübenmodell für die Pflanzenforschung
Improving crops with laser beams and 3D printing - Researchers use laser scanning to generate 3D models of the above ground parts of the sugar beet plant from a crop field, providing a step forward in developing AI-assisted crop pipeline improvement

June 17, 2024

Wie Wurzeln Maispflanzen vor Dürre schützen (Bioökonomie.de)

June 14, 2024

Chinese scientists’ gene discovery paves way for machine hybrid rice seed production (South China Morning Post)

June 12, 2024

Finding the balance in the plant immune response - Publication in Nature describes novel regulatory mechanism that keeps plant immune responses in check
Die Kunst des Gleichgewichts – ein Balanceakt der pflanzlichen Immunantwort - Eine Studie in Nature beschreibt einen neuartigen Regelungsmechanismus, der die Immunreaktionen von Pflanzen in Schach hält


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