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Practical tips for growing soybeans 

April 7, 2018

Source: Saatbau Linz

The crop area for soybeans is likely to further increase in the future. What are the elements that deserve special attention when it comes to field selection and crop management?

The first task is always choosing a suitable field. Soybeans require little labour but good soil quality is crucial. Soils that are known to be wet and cold and which have little soil structure must be avoided. Soybean plants obtain nitrogen from the air and thus need well-aerated soils. The better the soil structure, the better the gas exchange and the better the working conditions for the rhizobia. This is also where pH comes in, which should ideally lie between 6.5 and 7.5. pH is not only decisive for the soil structure but also for the release of a variety of trace elements such as Molybdenum, which furthers the symbiosis between bacteria and roots.

Fields with creeping thistles (Cirsium arvense) should not be used, since there are no registered plant protection products that can effectively combat this thistle.

flowering soybean

Fields which have been fertilized generously with manure and dung should also be avoided, as this hampers root nodule growth. Such soils already contain enough nitrogen for young soybean roots, so there is no need for the plant to establish a symbiotic relationship with the rhizobia. However, by the blossoming period in July, the amount of nitrogen required by the soybeans has significantly increased (up to 200 kg N/hectare) and this demand can no longer be met by organic fertilizers. At this stage of development though, the soybean plant is no longer able to produce sufficient nodules, which finally results in insufficient nitrogen intake.

Furthermore, we discourage from growing exuberant cover crops before growing soybeans. Lignified straw remnants can delay germination in dry springs. Inoculation: All certified seeds from SAATBAU LINZ are pre-inoculated and ready to be sown (FIX FERTIG).

Inoculation ensures an accurate distribution of the rhizobia over the soybean seeds and guarantees nodule development. You thus avoid time-consuming inoculation at planting time. Pre-inoculated soybeans score highly in terms of nitrogen fixation in the nodules ensuring best results for following crops in crop rotation. Optimum quality guarantees success! In heavy, cold soils in which no soybeans have been cultivated previously, an additional inoculation can help secure nodule growth.

For soybeans, we recommend a seeding rate of 3.5 to 4.5 packages per hectare depending on the variety, soil quality, planting technique and the risk of damage caused by wild animals. Optimum planting depths range from 3 to 5 cm. Pressure rollers on the coulters ensure uniform sprouting. Many farmers plant soybeans by single-seed sowing and mechanically regulate weed between the rows. This allows the soybeans to sprout more evenly and improves gas exchange at the roots which significantly enhances nitrogen fixation.

Any treatment with herbicides causes stress for soybeans. Aggressive mixtures and high dosage should thus be avoided. In particular a combination of pre-emergent herbicides and wet and cool weather conditions can damage soybean crops.

SAATBAU offers a broad selection of soybean varieties from very early to late maturity.


More solutions from: Saatbau Linz

Website: http://www.saatbaulinz.at

Published: April 9, 2018

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