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Sudden death syndrome seed treatment among on-farm research options 

Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
March 25, 2016

Source: CropWatch
by Laura Thompson | Extension Educator

Soybean plant with sudden death syndrome from 2015 On-Farm Research Trial.
Figure 1. Untreated soybean plant from an iLeVO® sudden death syndrome (SDS) seed treatment trial conducted through the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network in 2015. The Network is currently seeking participants for the 2016 trial.

Last year, over 65 Nebraska farmers completed research projects with the help of the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network. You can view the results of these projects at cropwatch.unl.edu/farmresearch/resultshome.  The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network provides an opportunity for growers to get questions answered about their own fields. Research typically is conducted with the producer's equipment, on the producer's land, and using the producer's management practices.

This year, the on-farm research network is again seeking three growers who are interested in testing the Bayer CropScience ILeVO® seed treatment for SDS.  Sudden death syndrome can be severe when soybeans are planted into cool, wet soils.  This disease was first identified in Nebraska in 2004 and has become widespread in recent years.  To be eligible to participate in this on-farm research study, farm operators must have a field with a history of widespread SDS that will be planted to soybeans this year. Learn more about participating in the ILeVO® study

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network provides an opportunity for farmers to test a variety of products and practices, including planting population, irrigation rates, nitrogen management decision tools, seed treatments, and biological products.  View more details about each study in their research protocols. New study opportunities will be posted throughout April and May, so check back frequently for more options to get involved.  Additionally, you are not limited to the topics presented here.  If you have another research topic in mind, Nebraska Extension cropping systems educators will work with you to design a study to address the questions that matter to you.

Please contact Laura Thompson at laura.thompson@unl.edu, 402-472-8043, or Keith Glewen at kglewen1@unl.edu, 402-624-8005, if you are interested in participating in this or other research studies.

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network is sponsored by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension in partnership with the Nebraska Corn Growers Association, the Nebraska Corn Board, the Nebraska Soybean Board, and the Dry Bean Commission. The goal of the network is to put to use a statewide on-farm research program addressing critical farmer production, profitability, and natural resources questions.

More solutions from: University of Nebraska

Website: http://www.unl.edu

Published: March 25, 2016

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