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USA - Summit Agro USA, LLC launches Ranman 400SC fungicide for control of oomycete diseases

Cary, North Carolina, USA
May 21, 2014

SUMMIT AGRO USA, LLC (SAUS) announced today that it will add RANMAN®400SC Fungicide to its product portfolio beginning on May 19th. Ranman 400SC is a proprietary product of Japan-based Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd. (ISK).

Cyazofamid, the active ingredient in RANMAN 400SC, is the only member of fungicide Mode of Action (MOA) FRAC Group 21, making it an ideal candidate for inclusion into disease resistance management strategies. Cyazofamid demonstrates good persistence on the foliage and offers excellent rainfastness in many crops at low dose rates.

"We are extremely happy with this new agreement", said Wade Stewart, Head of Product Development of SAUS. "RANMAN provides excellent control of oomycete diseases such as Pythium, Late Blight, Phytophthora blight, and downy mildews".

Cyazofamid is applied at 2.1-2.75 Fl. Oz. Product /Acre with applications made before or immediately after first disease symptoms and provides control of several oomycete diseases, such as late blight of potatoes and tomatoes, Phytophthora blight of pepper and other vegetables, and downy mildew in grapes and cucurbit vegetables among others. When applied at 6.0 Fl. Oz. Product/Acre on carrots, the control of cavity spot, root dieback, and forking is obtained.

SAUS will provide sales and technical support for RANMAN 400SC. The product will be distributed to all areas of the US with the strong support of Helena Chemical Company and Tenkoz member companies.

RANMAN 400SC will be packaged in a convenient 1-gallon and 1-quart size to meet grower needs.

® (RANMAN is a registered trademark of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd.)

More solutions from:
    . Summit Agro International Ltd.
    . Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd.

Website: http://www.summit-agro.co.jp/english/index.html

Published: May 21, 2014













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