DISCOVER >< Keygene's KeyPoint Mutation Breeding
Wageningen, The Netherlands
May 2014
Picture this: a breeder has bred a tomato variety. Great taste and very juicy. A valuable product of years of patient crossing and selection. Difficult to improve. But in some aspects less than ideal: a bit too tall, shelf life not optimal.
Here is where breeding at the gene level comes in: individual genes that control such less-than-ideal aspects can be altered in a non-GMO way and selected for improvement. The result is a precisely enhanced product that maintains the overall so appreciated qualities of the original variety.

Product of the month: Accelerated Trait Development
Speed up trait development by choosing a direct path from discovery to market, by connecting KeySeeq® and KeyPoint® Mutation Breeding. Special offer: free project design for your favorite crop & trait combination. Interested? Contact our expert!
Download the product information flyer here: KMB_KeySeeQ flyer
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More solutions from: KeyGene NV
Website: Published: May 7, 2014 |