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Spring into root protection

Victor, New York, USA
April 10, 2012

Source: BioWorks newsletter April 2012
By Scott Armstrong, South Region Technical Sales Manager

Spring has sprung in the south and is just around the corner in most of the rest of the country. Here's wishing you the best of success during this very important season in our industry.

Now is the time to be proactive and to start planning for the late spring through summer production on crops such as large annual/perennial containers and hanging baskets, hardy mums, pansies, fall/winter vegetables, herbs and poinsettias.

On these longer term crops it makes financial sense to add RootShield® or RootShield® PLUS into your plans. The heat of the summer means the pressure for root disease will be on the rise, especially if the summer weather drags on into fall.

With these crops, especially in these tough economic times, you should ask yourself these questions:

1) Do any of my summer/ fall crops require more than one application of a fungicide drench?

If so, you should consider RootShield or RootShield PLUS for savings in both labor and input cost. 1 application will provide you with 10-12 weeks (vs. every 3-4 weeks with standard inputs) of preventative protection against root disease caused by Pythium, Rhizoctionia, Fusarium, Thielaviopsis and Cylindrocladium.

Now you also have the option of RootShield PLUS to get the added protection against Phytophthora, which is so prevalent in hot weather.

A preventative application will allow your plants to grow stronger and healthier to fight off having the constant pressure of disease.

2) Is insurance against root disease and the peace of mind worth only pennies per pot to you?

Any RootShield product costs less that 2 cents per 6" pot and in return you get the insurance of 10-12 weeks of protection.

You have already invested in the cuttings, pots, soil, labor, etc. For only a few cents more why not protect your investment?

3) Are you interested in trying RootShield, but worried about the shelf life?

Shelf Life:

  • Room Temp (Office) = WP at 4 months and Granular at 6 months.
  • Cooler = WP at 6 months and Granular at 9 months.
  • RootShield or RootShield PLUS are available in 2 formulations -- WP and Granular.
  • Freezer = WP at 8 months and Granular at 12 months.

So be proactive! Get your order in for RootShield or RootShield PLUS with your distributor soon, and start protecting those roots! Plan in advance and have RootShield in time to treat these hot season crops early and help assure yourself and your company that the success of spring will be carried forward into summer and winter.

More solutions from: BioWorks, Inc.

Website: http://www.seedquest.com/id/b/BioWorks.htm

Published: April 10, 2012









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