October 20, 2022

How much time and thought do you put into your seed treatment decisions? If you’re like many growers, probably not too much. Seed treatments are critical for starting your soybean season off successfully. If you have a healthy root system in June, you have the opportunity to have a healthy root system in August. If you have a compromised root system in June, you have no chance of having a healthy root system come August. Plus, seed treatments are not a cheap input so it’s important to understand what you’re paying for.
At WinField United, we’re proud to introduce our latest innovation Warden® CX II seed treatment. The new and improved formulation can help you get your root systems started strong by fending off pests and diseases.
Same Product You Trust, Just Better
Warden CX II seed treatment builds on the same high-performing formulation you know and trust from Warden CX seed treatment by adding new technologies like Vayantis® fungicide. Since it has the same base foundation, you can trust you’ll get the same reliable performance you’re used to, but with added advantages from additional protections. Based on our field trials, the improvements we’ve made translated into a 2.2 bu./A yield advantage compared to Warden CX.*
Vayantis Fungicide
This is arguably the most exciting update included in the Warden CX II formulation. Vayantis fungicide contains a new, novel active ingredient picarbutrazox. It provides substantially better Pythium protection than older technologies to help combat all known U.S. Pythium species.
Powerful Disease Protection
Along with the addition of Vayantis, the Warden CX II formulation also contains the highest labeled rate of mefenoxam available in the market. Together, these active ingredients provide 100 to 1,000 times more activity on Pythium species than metalaxyl/mefenoxam and ethaboxam.
The disease protection doesn’t stop there. Sedaxane and fludioxonil are also included in the Warden CX II formula. This four-way fungicide package provides unprecedented control of the yield-robbing pests lurking in your soybean fields.
Cruiser Insecticide
Diseases are only part of the battle your seeds face in the soil. Warden CX II seed treatment also contains Cruiser® insecticide for excellent protection against an array of seed- and foliar-feeding insects. An added benefit of Cruiser is its proven Cruiser Vigor Effect for a healthier, more robust root system and plant quality.
Operational Ease
Warden CX II seed treatment contains an additional polymer, which improves seed flow and handling at the planter, which can lead to better stand counts and yield potential. The polymer also helps lower dust off for improved user and environmental safety. Plus, Warden CX II seed treatment contains two times the colorant compared to Warden CX for a pigment that really pops.
Help keep your soybean seeds safe from even the stealthiest of threats this spring with Warden CX II seed treatment. For more information and to add Warden CX II to your seed purchase, contact your WinField United retailer.
* Based on data from 33 locations across 11 states in 2021.