October 2010
M.K.Rana: Professor, Department of Vegetable Sciences, Ch.Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar 125 004, Haryana, India
New India Publishing Agency
ISBN: 978-93-80235-49-3
Details: 2011, 525p.,figs.,tables., col.plts.,gloss.,25cm
Price: INR 2250.00 USD 80.00
The book has been written in a very simple and easily understandable language. The information given in this book is based on systematically and scientifically designed field and laboratory experiments conducted in various ecological zones.
It is believed that this book will serve the scientific society in a variety of ways. Undergraduate and postgraduate students, professors, teachers, scientists and researchers having their interests in different fields of specialization will certainly be benefited. The book covers articles written by well known authorities in respective fields:
- Vegetable Breeding Methods and Techniques
P. Hazra
- Development of Vegetable Varieties by Use of Various Breeding Methods
Jyotsna Devi
- Mutation Breeding in Vegetable Crops
S.K. Pahuja, R.P. Saharan and Minakshi Jattan
- Molecular Breeding of Vegetable Crops
Veena Chawla, N.R. Yadav and P. Narayanaswamy
- Heterosis Breeding in Vegetable Crops
Nagendra Rai and Ramesh Kumar Singh
- Breeding for Disease and Insect-Pest Resistance in Vegetable Crops
Jyotsna Devi & P. Talukdar
- Vegetable Breeding for Quality Traits
P. Hazra and A.K. Dutta
- Insect-Pests of Vegetable Crops and Their Management
Ram Singh and G.S. Dhaliwal
- Nematode Problems and Their Management
R.K. Walia and R.S. Kanwar
- Management of Fungal and Bacterial Diseases in Vegetable Crops
S.K. Gandhi & Naresh Mehta
- Viral Diseases of Vegetable Crops and Their Management
Rakesh Kumar and Hari Chand
- Post-Harvest Diseases of Vegetable Crops and Their Management
Naresh Mehta & M.S. Sangwan