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October 2, 2024

India asks private sector to explore growing hybrid maize in the North (The Hindu BusinessLine)

July 31, 2024

Deutschland - Weniger Saatmais-Vermehrungsflächen angemeldet

June 28, 2024

USA - Corn planted acreage down 3% from 2023, soybean acreage up 3% from last year

June 27, 2024

Deutschland - Mais-Gemenge-Anbau auf rund 4 % der Gesamtmaisfläche geplant

June 3, 2024

Deutschland - Mais im Zweitfruchtanbau mit leichtem Rückgang 2024

Deutschland - Erste amtliche Schätzung der Maisanbaufläche 2024

France - Pierre Pagès, président de Semae : un recul de 30 % des surfaces de maïs semences attendu pour 2024 (Circuits Culture)

May 8, 2024

Deutschland - Zuwachs der Maisanbaufläche 2024 erwartet

April 24, 2024

FAO warns of maize shortfall across Southern Africa

April 8, 2024

China approves 81 GM seeds to boost maize & soybean as Indian biotech is blocked & crop yields languish (The Print)

April 2, 2024

Deutschland - Ernteergebnisse der Körner- und Silomaisernte 2023 veröffentlicht

March 6, 2024

USDA/ERS research models future effects of climate change on corn and soybean yields, production, and exports

February 14, 2024

Brasil - Milho safrinha: perspectivas e desafios da safra 2024

December 22, 2023

Chinese corn breeders ready for doubling of GMO planting in 2024 - sources (Channel News Asia)

November 28, 2023

France, campagne 2023-2024 - Semences de maïs : aucune tension à craindre (Circuits Culture)

November 27, 2023

Côte d'Ivoire : La distribution de semences dans la filière riz et maïs annoncée (Afrik Soir)

November 22, 2023

France - Maïs semence : une « très bonne production » en 2023 (La France Agricole)

October 10, 2023

Adoption of genetically engineered crops in the U.S.

October 4, 2023

China - Promising harvest for trial GMO planting - Success with corn, soybean a boon to the country's commercialization effort (China Daily)

October 2, 2023

USA - Two companies accounted for more than half of corn, soybean, and cotton seed sales in 2018–20

September 8, 2023

Kenya - State to provide farmers hybrid maize seeds next year to boost production (People Daily Kenya)

August 10, 2023

USDA/ERS report: More than half of harvested U.S. cropland uses seed varieties with at least one genetically modified trait

July 26, 2023

Europäischer Maisanbau steht vor großen Herausforderungen

July 6, 2023

République Démocratique du Congo : plus de 500 tonnes de semences de maïs produites à l’an 1 du programme de l’Agenda de la Transformation Agricole (ZoomEco)

May 31, 2023

Deutschland - Mais im Zweitfruchtanbau verzeichnet leichten Zuwachs

May 9, 2023

Sole maïs européenne en 2023 - Forte baisse des intentions de semis

May 8, 2023

China can be self-sufficient in maize production by 2030 with optimal crop management (Nature)

April 28, 2023

Deutschland - Maisanbau 2023: Gesamtfläche leicht abnehmend

Deutschland - Winterbegrünungen vor Mais deutlich ausgedehnt

April 14, 2023

Hungary's maize production at risk


Better Food Venture's
AgTech Landscape 2019



2019 THRIVE Top 50
landscape map


Concentration in Seed Markets - Potential Effects and Policy Responses

(OECD December 2018)

Visualizing Consolidation
in the Global Seed Industry

Seed Industry Structure

Phil Howard
Associate Professor
Michigan State University


2017 Seed Company Family Tree
Ccreated Septebmer 2017
by Robert Walsh
WaSoo Farm, Elk Point, South Dakota

Syngenta Brands Family Tree
Ccreated January 2017 by Robert Walsh, WaSoo Farm, Elk Point, South Dakota

World Vegetable Map 2018



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