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December 27, 2012

Bauernverband analysiert Agrarmärkte 2012-2013

December 18, 2012

USA - Prices of most vegetables lower than last year (HortiBiz)

October 4, 2012

USDA/NASS releases results of the 2011 Certified Organic Production Survey

June 4, 2012

USA - Vegetable and melons yearbook data tables

January 23, 2012

2012 Crop Outlook Whitepaper (American Vegetable Grower)

January 21, 2012

France - Dans la Vienne, ils sont environ 350 agriculteurs à multiplier des semences sur une superficie totale de 5.368 hectares (La Nouvelle République)

January 14, 2012

Asteraseed transfère son siège social de Castelnaudary à Lasserre-de-Prouille (Midi Libre)

January 3, 2012

Embrapa Hortaliças envia sementes para fomentar agricultura de Cabo Verde

Gemüseernte in Baden-Württemberg 2011 (Proplanta)

December 16, 2011

Thüringen: Freilandgemüseernte 2011 (Proplanta)

December 1, 2011

Österreich 2011: Gemüseproduktion steigt um knapp ein Fünftel (Proplanta)

November 15, 2011

The Philippines - Syngenta Crop Marketing donates 200,000 commercial Chinese cabbage seeds to the province of Benguet (Sun Star)

September 20, 2011

Gemüseanbaufläche in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern weitgehend stabil (Proplanta)

May 20, 2011

USA - Vegetables and melons data

USA - Vegetable and melons yearbook, data tables

April 7, 2011

South African seed market for horticultural crops (2010/11)

April 6, 2011

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Fresh and processed vegetable product brief

March 18, 2011

United States - Cabbage statistics

March 4, 2011

Statistical review of California’s organic agriculture 2005 – 2009

February 18, 2011

ABARES tracks financial outcomes for Australia's A$3bn vegetable-growing industry

January 31, 2011

Paraguay - Disminuyó la importación de la mayoría de las hortalizas (ABC)

January 11, 2011

Landwirte in Thüringen ernten weniger Kohl, Zwiebeln und Bohnen (Proplanta)

December 1, 2010

Embrapa contribui com recordes de produção de hortaliças no Distrito Federal

November 25, 2010

Turkish agricultural production over-relying on seed imports, report says (Hurriyet Daily News)

October 21, 2010

Australia - Females lead males in vegetable purchasing

September 24, 2010

Australia - Vegetable consumers shopping more regularly and purchasing smaller portion sizes

September 21, 2010

Brazil's vegetable seed market keeps growing











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