June 09
Successful initial
safety tests for genetically-modified rice that fights allergy
Pakistan government
in talks to buy BT cotton seed
India's Central Rice Research
Institute releases
paddy variety for rain-fed areas
October 08
Copyrights for
seeds is only way to achieve cotton target in Pakistan
September 08
Government of
Kenya to refund Sh124 million to people who illegally acquired
Kenya Seed Company
July 08
China approves
transgenic species development program
Malawi government
okays research into genetically modified crops
Testing of Bt
cotton to start this year in Uganda
June 08
Swiss study shows GMOs safe
May 08
Using rice seeds to
produce a cytokine
Natural variation in
Ghd7 is an important regulator of heading date and yield
potential in rice
April 08
India's Central
Institute for Cotton Research developing new variety of short
staple BT cotton
Transgenic crops can
persist for ten years
February 08
Scientists develop
transgenic tomatoes with increased resistance to the common
Development of
new plant breeding methods for more yield in food crops
New basmati
variety can resist bacteria
fungal resistance in rice
Australian GM wheat start-up NemGenix secures venture capital
January 08
sector grows at 30% in India
Indian scientists develop a variety of corn with extra protein
through marker-assisted breeding
India's DRDO
develops transgenic tomato tolerant to cold temperatures and
water stress
December 07
Mahyco Monsanto
Biotech (India) Limited claims 61% rise in Bt cotton area in
Monsanto to
invest US$5 million in Indonesian seed industry
The fruitful
union of maize and clover
November 07
engineering tames drought, climate change
launches new program with Bayer Cropscience for uses of
meganuclease technology in crops
October 07
India's National
Seed Corporation to market Monsanto hybrid corn seed
Tamil Nadu
Agricultural University and Monsanto ink deal to develop GM
papaya seed
Chrysler plants
soybeans in biodiesel research project
Plants work as
assembly lines to fight cancer
Indian and
Australian scientists collaborate for better wheat
August 07
JK Agrigenetics'
new Bt cotton version likely by 2010
May 07
India's Genetic
Engineering Approval Committee approves 49 new GM cotton hybrids
January 07
mutations in transgenic plants: Analysis and biosafety implications
Pakistan to release
insect-resistant cotton variety
Crops mutated in outer
JK Agri-Genetics
develops 19 new BT cotton varieties
December 06
Punjab Seed Council
approves three new cotton seed varieties
November 06
Tomatoes against
October 06
Icon Genetics and Bayer
BioScience researchers develop novel way to produce biomedicals quickly
and efficiently in plants
Pioneer reinforces its
focus on transgenic and soybean seed in Brazil
Embrapa researcher says
Brazil's 2006-07 soy crop will be at least 50% transgenic
September 06
Fourteen types of
genetically modified organisms registered in Russia
August 06
conferred by expression of a catalytic antibody in Arabidopsis thaliana
July 06
JK Agri Genetics to
commercialise new Bt cotton technology
Cornell University research
leads to increased grain yield in Basmati rice
Rasi Seeds to release
Bollgard-2 cotton strain
Gene that withstands
salinity could mark agricultural boon
June 06
Argentine ministry of
agriculture defines limits of "own use" for seeds obtained from previous
Indian cotton research
institute develops low-cost Bt seed detection kit
May 06
Philippine corn farmers
satisfied with Bt corn, but prefers cheaper seeds
April 06
Director of Pakistan
Cotton Research Institute warns farmers not to sow Bt cotton
Pakistan's National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic
Engineering develops insect-resistant cotton variety
March 06
Why Canada should support
coexistence crops
Brazilian antitrust agency imposes restrictions on Monsanto's accord
with Fundacao Mato Grosso and Unisoja
Jeans from the GM
laboratory, potatoes from BASF
FAO to
launch Agricultural Biotechnology Network in Africa (ABNETA)
February 06
China aims to push for
GM crop studies
January 06
Fighting cancer
with the help from plants
GM crops in
Germany stalled
occurring transgenic plants
GM sugarbeet ahead
Unique genes hold the
secret to better grain yields
Australian crop chemical
giant Nufarm positioning itself to be player in the global seed business
Seminis plans ambitious
business expansion in Brazil
December 05
Germany begins sowing
GM seeds
Animal gene renders
tobacco resistant to parasitic weed
Pakistan government to
allow BT cotton farming next year
China leads in research
of genetically modified plants
November 05
Genetic seed
competition among giants to lower prices
Safe coexistence at 20
meters distance
October 05
Thai scientists patent
rice genes
South Africa: Eastern
Cape farmers planting more GM maize
next wave of crops are materializing in BioValley, the
tri-national organization that represents regions of France, Germany and
Fourteen new GM
varieties approved for limited trial in India
India: Genetic
Engineering Approval Committee plays safe on Bt
cotton approvals
Bollworm pest remains
Monsanto strikes royalty
deal for transgenic soybean seeds in Brazil
Rise in oil price helps
September 05
homespun Bt cotton here at last
Arming ryegrass for
the fight against crown rust
potatoes offer a new healthy choice
How petunias survive
water deficiencies
Are Europe's farmers
warming to GM maize?
GRDC contacting
farmers who are hosting canola trials found to be contaminated with GM
material - NSW Farmers Association says trials should not be destroyed
Chinese hybrid cotton with insect-resistance
to raise output by 25%
The Spanish regulation
on coexistence of GM, conventional and organic crops could serve as a
Seven years lost for
genetic engineering
Salt-tolerance gene
could lead to higher rice yields
How rice survives an
herbicide attack
Chinese agronomists
grow new super rice with record high yield
Monsanto's sales of GM cotton seeds double in
Viet Nam
government issues rules for GM research and use
Meristem sees its
development hampered by anti-GMO activities
Thai breeders develop GM breeds of jasmine rice tolerant to
flooding, bacterial leaf blight and leaf blast
August 05
Nidera to test new GM soy
varieties in Paraguay
Small but powerful
Monsanto readies distribution of new stacked
GM corn in the Philippines
Argentina approves new GM
corn developed by Syngenta
GM crops research
pipeline going dry
Price increase sought for
GM soy in Brazil
biotech is focus for BioValley's Life Sciences Week in Illkirch,
GM maize fight goes to
court in Germany
Enriched lysine plants to
fight malnutrition
How barley deals with
Old favourites are taught
to weather some serious heat
Transgenic seeds - the
white hope of brinjal growers in India
July 05
engineered alfalfa and lettuce provide healthy pigs
Bayer has withdrawn application to grow GM rapeseed in
the European Union
Nath Biogene and
United Phosphorous sign agreement with Biocentury Transgene
(China) Co. Ltd. for Bt cotton technology transfer
Taiwan unveils
rules for transgenic plant field trials
TransBacter: gene
transfer by open sourcery?
A big step in
understanding plant growth and development
government to approve transgenic cotton crops
GM bill fails in
German Parliament
biotechnology debate grows
Nagoya University
scientists find gene linked to high rice yields
Philippine Rice
Research Institute eyes new vitamin A-rich,
disease-resistant rice variety
New hopes for genetic
engineering in Europe
June 05
A corporate group in panic
Hoegemeyer Hybrids' new
hybrid corn rejects pollen from all strains of corn except its own
Kenya Agricultural Research
Institute to release maize lines with resistance to stem borer
Half the
world's cotton could come from GM crops within two years
Plant-derived vaccines
offer new strategy for the prevention of diarrheal diseases
New study throws valuable
pointers for future of Bt cotton in India
Plants replacing machines
GM cotton trials to start
in South Africa
May 05
Syngenta targets the world
market with the launch of its chocolate-coloured tomato
Syngenta Foundation videos
tell the story of golden rice
Bayer unit to focus on
production of hybrid field and vegetable seeds
New laws and new campaigns
in Switzerland
to launch new cottonseed in the Vidarbha region
of India
Wheat harvest to enhance
food security in China
Scottish Crop Research
Institute produces potato plants with increased carotenoid content
Europe invited to work with
HarvestPlus, root out malnutrition
Indian state of Punjab
approves six new varieties of Bt cotton
NASA and EPA team to improve
crop management
April 05
Malaysian Agriculture
Research and Development Institute to provide 500
scientists for agriculture biotechnology
Green light for transgenic
maize in Portugal
Monsanto Brazil to reopen
molecular genetic laboratory in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais
Iran joins GM rice race
Kenyatta University
embarks on research aimed at developing maize varieties tolerant to
witch-weed, drought
New GM crop research hub
at Cambridge, UK
One weed you do not want
to get rid of
Japan OKs new corn variety
from Pioneer
Positive reactions to new
technique using genetic engineering without foreign DNA
March 05
Tanzania to conduct
field-trials of GM cotton
Biolytix AG and how its
top people view the current controversy surrounding GMOs and the new
Swiss GMO labelling laws
new GM soybean varieties from Brazil
Switzerland reaches a crossroad with genetic engineering
Agriculture Minister stops safety research
with GM crops
HIV pandemia: Could
vaccines produced in plants be the way out ?
February 05
Sustained soybean rust
resistance issue for Brazilian breeders
Spinning spider webs
with potatoes
After phytoremediation
comes phytopharming
January 05
Transgenic tobacco
detoxifies polluted grounds
Six new GM field trial
requests in France
Argentina to propose new
royalty payment rules for GM seed
Life-saving corn
GMO law in Italy passes
in Lower House
Checkbiotech: five
years of ag biotech coverage
Planting an anthrax
plants to
remove toxins from
contaminated soils
December 04
Using transgenic
corn for the production of safe and inexpensive vaccines |