January 19, 2005
Katharina Schoebi,
Recently many politicians in the
US and the EU have received Anthrax-laced envelopes. The threat
of biological warfare and terrorism is real; Anthrax is just one
of many potential bio attack agents, but it is a serious one.
Since the only vaccine existing so far against Anthrax has some
disadvantages, researchers are now developing a new one.
Anthrax is endemic in the US and
is caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis, which
infects humans in one of three ways: through the skin (cutaneous
anthrax), through consumption of contaminated meat products
(gastrointenstinal anthrax) and through the nasopharynx
(inhalational anthrax). However, once in the human body the
bacteria produce toxins that lead to problematic symptoms and
possible death.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) lists anthrax as a
category A disease agent with easy dissemination or
transmission, high mortality, social disruption and a special
preparation needed. Nowadays, biological warfare and terrorism
is a real threat. The CDC estimates that the cost of an anthrax
attack would be US$ 26.2 billion per 100,000 persons exposed.
The only vaccine licensed so far for human use in the US is
Biothrax, which unfortunately has some disadvantages: it has to
be injected several times, causes local reactions at the site of
the subcutaneous injection and could also lead to side-effects
in some individuals. Therefore, researchers are looking for
ways, by which they could produce a new vaccine on a large scale
and at reasonable cost, which also would be safer.
An economical and convenient way to obtain pharmaceutical
products, without human or animal pathogen contamination, is to
let plants produce them. In plants, not only the nucleus
contains DNA but also the chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are the
organelles the plant needs for the photosynthesis. Since they
are very advantageous for genetic engineering, they are often
used in plant science experiments. If you insert a gene of
interest in the DNA of the chloroplasts, you will have two
copies of that gene when the chloroplasts divide (when the plant
is growing). Bearing in mind that there are up to 10,000 copies
of chloroplast genomes per cell, you will obtain quite a large
amount of the gene of interest by cultivating plants—much more
than you would with the genome of a plant.
One disadvantage of producing pharmaceutical proteins in plants
is the possibility of plant-based pharmaceuticals mixing with
food supplies. To prevent this, scientists have turned to to
producing the pharmaceutical products in non-food, or feed crops
such as tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum).
Tobacco is often used plant in biological experiments, because
it has many advantages: It is a self-pollinating crop with up to
one million seeds per plant, it can produce a large amount of
biomass (more than 40 t fresh leaf weight/acre), it has no known
wild or cultivated relatives in North America and it is easy to
enhance through genetic engineering. By harvesting tobacco
leaves before the onset of flowering, transgene flow via pollen
or seed is eliminated and the contamination of food crops is
prevented. In addition, there exists a large-scale processing
Two researcher teams headed by Henry Daniell from the Department
of Molecular Biology and Microbiology at the University of
Central Florida in Orlando, USA, and Stephen H. Leppla from the
Microbial Pathogenesis Section at the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases, produced the Bacillus
anthracis protective antigen (PA) in chloroplasts of
In their experimental studies, they obtained a total of 172 mg
of full functional PA from each plant. Extrapolating that out,
that would mean that about 8,000 tobacco plants could be grown
in an area of one acre. Each year a total amount of 4.12 kg of
PA could be expected, out of which 50% would be lost during
purification. Taking into consideration that about 5 ěg PA are
used per dose of the vaccine, researchers could produce about
400 million doses of vaccine per acre of tobacco. That number
might jump to well over 3 billion vaccines, when a commercial
tobacco variety is used, in the place of the laboratory variety
that Dr. Daniell and Dr. Leppla used.
Having produced the new antigen, the two research teams then had
to test its ability to be used as an effective vaccine. This was
determined by its ability to cause lysis of cultured mouse
macrophages, which is a first step that immunologists use to
determine whether or not a vaccine will work or not. Thus the
two research teams headed by Dr. Daniell and Dr. Leppla showed
that the tobacco plants can be used to produced fully functional
antigen that can then be used as a human vaccine.
“Several groups have estimated plant derived vaccines to be
50-100 fold cheaper than those currently produced via
fermentation”, said Dr. Daniell. So the new vaccine against
bacterium anthracis would be very advantageous.
Equally important is the longevity of a vaccine. It is often
very beneficial to have a vaccine that can be prepared in
advance, and stored until it is needed. Dr. Daniell and Dr.
Leppla were also able to show that there is no degradation of
the PA vaccine upon storage and transportation, which further
points to their PA from tobacco plants as a very favorable
Anthrax vaccine.
However, before using the new Anthrax vaccine, the laboratories
of Dr. Daniell and Leppla will have to carry out some future
testing before the vaccine will ready to used for humans.
Chlorogen Inc. had already obtained USDA permits to grow tobacco
plants with Bacillus anthracis protective antigen field
trials, as Dr. Daniell said. It is now under large scale
production. But to bring the project closer to commercial use,
clinical trials need to be carried out in order to identify,
which is the most expensive part of the experiment. “It would
cost about $50 millions. Therefore, Chlorogen Inc. is now
seeking a partner for commercial production.”
To produce edible plant vaccines, they have to be produced in
large quantities in edible parts. Recently, Chlorogen Inc.
achieved this breakthrough and several vaccine antigens are now
produced in carrots in Dr. Daniell’s laboratory.
The developments in Dr. Daniell’s laboratoy showed that through
the cultivation of tobacco plants on a few acres, the worst case
senerio from an anthrax attack can be prevented. And as Dr.
Daniell pointed out, most certainly it would be possible to
eliminate a Bacillus anthracis threat due to his
Katharina Schoebi is a biologist and a Science Writer for
Checkbiotech. Contact her at
katharina.schoebi@bluemail.ch. |