Hanoi, Vietnam
September 8, 2005
Regulations governing genetically
modified organisms (GMOs) have been issued by the
Viet Nam government.
The regulations deal with the
research of GMOs and their production and trade in Viet Nam.
This includes their import-export and transport.
The new regulations require GMO products to carry certificates
showing that they are biologically safe and have labels that
provide would-be consumers with information about them.
Individuals or organisations wanting to research and develop
GMOs must first register with the Science and Technology
Ministry and appropriate management agencies.
They must also ensure the safety of the GMOs and guarantee that
they do not endanger the environment.
GMOs imported into Viet Nam must comply with the laws of their
country of export; there must also be effective risk control.
The regulations define risk as the potential danger and damage
that GMOs can do to human health, the environment and biological
The export of GMOs must accord with both the regulations
prevailing in Viet Nam and the country of destination as well as
international conventions signed by Viet Nam.
Biological Technology Institute director Associate Professor Le
Tran Binh said that although GMOs were available in many
countries, managers, social activists and environmentalists
worried about how to ensure that the modifications do not
disperse "unfavourable" genes into nature. But there was as yet
no evidence to support such worries, he said.
ASEAN member countries, with the exception of Cambodia and
Myanmar, had laws governing the research and use of GMOs.
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